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how to impute the distance to a value




I'd like to fill missing values with a "row distance" to the nearest non-NA value. In other words, how would I convert column x in this sample dataframe into column y?

#    x y
#1   0 0
#2  NA 1
#3   0 0
#4  NA 1
#5  NA 2
#6  NA 1
#7   0 0
#8  NA 1
#9  NA 2
#10 NA 3
#11 NA 2
#12 NA 1
#13  0 0

I can't seem to find the right combination of dplyr group_by and mutate row_number() statements to do the trick. The various imputation packages that I've investigated are designed for more complicated scenarios where imputation is performed using statistics and other variables.

like image 715
Dan Strobridge Avatar asked Dec 21 '18 18:12

Dan Strobridge

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2 Answers

We can use

d$z = sapply(seq_along(d$x), function(z) min(abs(z - which(!is.na(d$x)))))
#     x y z
# 1   0 0 0
# 2  NA 1 1
# 3   0 0 0
# 4  NA 1 1
# 5  NA 2 2
# 6  NA 1 1
# 7   0 0 0
# 8  NA 1 1
# 9  NA 2 2
# 10 NA 3 3
# 11 NA 2 2
# 12 NA 1 1
# 13  0 0 0

If you want to do this in dplyr, you can just wrap the sapply part in a mutate.

d %>%
   mutate(z = sapply(seq_along(x), function(z) min(abs(z - which(!is.na(x))))))

or, using also library(purrr) (thanks to @Onyambu):

d %>% mutate(m=map_dbl(1:n(),~min(abs(.x-which(!is.na(x))))))
like image 174
dww Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10


Here is a way using data.table

d[, out := pmin(cumsum(is.na(x)), rev(cumsum(is.na(x)))), by = rleid(is.na(x))]
#     x y out
# 1:  0 0   0
# 2: NA 1   1
# 3:  0 0   0
# 4: NA 1   1
# 5: NA 2   2
# 6: NA 1   1
# 7:  0 0   0
# 8: NA 1   1
# 9: NA 2   2
#10: NA 3   3
#11: NA 2   2
#12: NA 1   1
#13:  0 0   0

For each group of NAs we calculation the parallel minimum of cumsum(is.na(x)) and its reverse. That works because the values in the groups of all non-NAs will be 0. Call setDF(d) if you want to continue with a data.frame.

Instead of calculating cumsum(is.na(x)) twice, we could also do

d[, out := {
  tmp <- cumsum(is.na(x))
  pmin(tmp, rev(tmp))
  }, by = rleid(is.na(x))]

This might give a performance gain, but I didn't test.

Using dplyr syntax this would read

d %>% 
  group_by(grp = data.table::rleid(is.na(x))) %>% 
  mutate(out = pmin(cumsum(is.na(x)), rev(cumsum(is.na(x))))) %>% 
# A tibble: 13 x 4
#       x     y   grp   out
#   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>
# 1     0     0     1     0
# 2    NA     1     2     1
# 3     0     0     3     0
# 4    NA     1     4     1
# 5    NA     2     4     2
# 6    NA     1     4     1
# 7     0     0     5     0
# 8    NA     1     6     1
# 9    NA     2     6     2
#10    NA     3     6     3
#11    NA     2     6     2
#12    NA     1     6     1
#13     0     0     7     0

The same idea in base R

rle_x <- rle(is.na(d$x))
grp <- rep(seq_along(rle_x$lengths), times = rle_x$lengths)

transform(d, out = ave(is.na(x), grp, FUN = function(i) pmin(cumsum(i), rev(cumsum(i)))))
like image 3
markus Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 18:10
