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LaTeX formula in Shiny panel





I want to display a -LaTeX formated- formula in a Shiny panel, but I can't find a way to combine textOutput with withMathJax. I tried the following but it didn't work. Any help would be gratefully appreciated.


    tabPanel("Diagnostics", h4(textOutput("diagTitle")),


output$formula <- renderText({
    print(paste0("Use this formula: $$\\hat{A}_{\\small{\\textrm{M€}}} =", my_calculated_value,"$$"))
like image 851
George Dontas Avatar asked May 11 '15 13:05

George Dontas

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1 Answers

Use uiOutput on the UI side and renderUI on the server side for dynamic content.

ui <- fluidPage(
    title = "Diagnostics", 

server <- function(input, output, session){
  output$formula <- renderUI({
    my_calculated_value <- 5
    withMathJax(paste0("Use this formula: $$\\hat{A}_{\\small{\\textrm{M€}}} =", my_calculated_value,"$$"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

More examples: http://shiny.leg.ufpr.br/daniel/019-mathjax/

like image 146
GyD Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10