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How to improve FlatList render performance for large list with ReactNative 0.43?

I am trying to render a list of ~250 images in 3 columns using FlatList in RN0.43, and I change the width of the images in the onLayout function of the FlatList to fit the width of screen.

The initial performance is ok, but after some scrolling up/down, sometimes it takes a second or 2 until images are shown.

it is even worse if I change to screen orientation, it takes 2~3 seconds to get screen updated.

a few findings:

  1. after screen rotation, it takes a second or 2 until FlatList.onLayout is called

  2. after FlatList.onLayout and update of image width, each image (about half of the list, ~150 images; while only ~15 are shown) is rendered 2~4 times, while render() is only called once.


  1. how can I modify the code to improve the performance?
  2. in the getItemLayout() of a multicolumn list, should the offset be something like (itemHeight + separatorHeight) * (index%numColumns)?


tested on: GalaxySII (4.1.2) and Android SDK emulator (7.1.1)

var data = [
    require('./res/img/test - Copy.png'),
    // ~250 items

class app extends React.Component {
    renderItem (info, width) {
        console.log('renderItem', info.index);
        if(width !== this.width) {
            this.imageStyle = {width: width-MarginHorizontal , height: width-MarginHorizontal, resizeMode: 'contain'};
        return (
                source = {info.item}
                key = {info.index}

    render() {
        return (
            <View style={{
                flex: 1,
                flexDirection: 'row',
                justifyContent: 'flex-start',
                alignItems: 'center',
                backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF'
                    columnWrapperStyle={{ alignItems: 'center', marginVertical: 5, justifyContent: 'space-around'}}

class GridList extends Component {
    onLayout(event) {
        let newColumnWidth = event.nativeEvent.layout.width/ this.numColumns;
        this.layout = Object.assign({},event.nativeEvent.layout);
        if( undefined === this.columnWidth  || Math.abs(newColumnWidth - this.columnWidth) > WidthTolerance ) {
            this.columnWidth = newColumnWidth;
            if(this.isComponentMounted) {
                this.setState({renderCount: this.state.renderCount+1});
            } else {
                this.state.renderCount +=1;
    render() {
        return (
                renderItem={(info) => { return this.props.renderItem(info, this.columnWidth); }}>
like image 341
John Ng Avatar asked Apr 13 '17 03:04

John Ng

People also ask

How do you optimize a large list of items on FlatList?

Use basic components​ The more complex your components are, the slower they will render. Try to avoid a lot of logic and nesting in your list items. If you are reusing this list item component a lot in your app, create a component only for your big lists and make them with as little logic and nesting as possible.

When should I use Scrolllist instead of FlatList?

ScrollView renders all its react child components at once, but this has a performance downside. FlatList renders items lazily, when they are about to appear, and removes items that scroll way off-screen to save memory and processing time.

Video Answer

1 Answers

Disclaimer: I know that the question is old, but here is my response anyways.

My app has a hand full of lists with 500+ items. So, we got to a point where the app was crashing on popular not-bad phones. Then I've made this extensive research about performance on FlatLists.

The FlatList component was presented as a alternative for the old ScrollView. The problem is that ScrollViews render all your list at once so they perform visually better, but there is a trade off in memory consumption, that leads to app crashes.

So Flat Lists are a necessary evil. They essentially only render items that are visible, which is a huge gain on memory consumption, but a pain for visual performance, specially for heavy/complex items, that happens to be your case with those responsive images.

How to workaround?

There are a lot of strategies that you can implement to mitigate your problem.

  • Use cached and performatic images, such as react-native-fast-image. Every operation that you can remove or abbreviate for freeing the Javascript thread: do it (every image is a new Image(), so, if they are cached, you have your loaded hook called sooner)

  • Your list item component is a read-only component, which is supposed to be 'dumb'. Implement a shouldComponentUpdate() { return false } or a more solid update control method as needed. This is HUGE perf boost.

  • Remove console.logs anywhere near your list. They slow the Javascript thread really bad.

  • Build your app for production and test it. It becomes almost always twice or three times faster. Dev env is slow because of debugging.

  • Give this article a good read for more strategies.


FlatList IS a slow component. This is a known, open and well documented issue. Do what you can to improve it, and let's hope future releases may fix this.

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Filipe Merker Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Filipe Merker