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Occasional slow requests on Heroku

We are seeing inconsistent performance on Heroku that is unrelated to the recent unicorn/intelligent routing issue.

This is an example of a request which normally takes ~150ms (and 19 out of 20 times that is how long it takes). You can see that on this request it took about 4 seconds, or between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude longer.

enter image description here

Some things to note:

  • the database was not the bottleneck, and it spent only 25ms doing db queries
  • we have more than sufficient dynos, so I don't think this was the bottleneck (20 double dynos running unicorn with 5 workers each, we get only 1000 requests per minute, avg response time of 150ms, which means we should be able to serve (60 / 0.150) * 20 * 5 = 40,000 requests per minute. In other words we had 40x the capacity on dynos when this measurement was taken.

So I'm wondering what could cause these occasional slow requests. As I mentioned, anecdotally it seems to happen in about 1 in 20 requests. The only thing I can think of is there is a noisy neighbor problem on the boxes, or the routing layer has inconsistent performance. If anyone has additional info or ideas I would be curious. Thank you.

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Brian Armstrong Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 19:04

Brian Armstrong

People also ask

Why is heroku timing out?

Uploading large files When these files are large, or the user is on a slow internet connection, the upload can take longer than 30 seconds. For some types of web applications that block requests, it can result in hitting the H12 request timeout. For this we recommend directly uploading to S3.

How do I fix request timeout on Heroku?

Restart Dynos Restarting can resolve H12 issues because freshly-booted dynos receive requests without interference from long-running requests. Using the Heroku CLI, run heroku ps:restart web to restart all web dynos. or, using the Heroku Dashboard, click More, then Restart all dynos.

What are dynos in Heroku?

As explained in Heroku's docs, Dynos are simply lightweight Linux containers dedicated to running your application processes. At the most basic level, a newly deployed app to Heroku will be supported by one Dyno for running web processes.

1 Answers

I have been chasing a similar problem myself, with not much luck so far.

I suppose the first order of business would to be to recommend NewRelic. It may have some more info for you on these cases.

Second, I suggest you look at queue times: how long your request was queued. Look at NewRelic for this, or do it yourself with the "start time" HTTP header that Heroku adds to your incoming request (just print now() minus "start time" as your queue time).

When those failed me in my case, I tried coming up with things that could go wrong, and here's a (unorthodox? weird?) list:

1) DNS -- are you making any DNS calls in your view? These can take a while. Even DNS requests for resolving DB host names, Redis host names, external service providers, etc.

2) Log performance -- Heroku collects all your stdout using their "Logplex", which it then drains to your own defined logdrains, services such as Papertrail, etc. There is no documentation on the performance of this, and writes to stdout from your process could block, theoretically, for periods while Heroku is flushing any buffers it might have there.

3) Getting a DB connection -- not sure which framework you are using, but maybe you have a connection pool that you are getting DB connections from, and that took time? It won't show up as query time, it'll be blocking time for your process.

4) Dyno performance -- Heroku has an add-on feature that will print, every few seconds, some server metrics (load avg, memory) to stdout. I used Graphite to graph those and look for correlation between the metrics and times where I saw increased instances of "sporadic slow requests". It didn't help me, but might help you :)

Do let us know what you come up with.

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Nitzan Shaked Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Nitzan Shaked