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How to improve broadcast Join speed with between condition in Spark

I have two dataframes A and B. A is large (100 G) and B is relatively small (100 M). Partition number of A is 8 and Partition number of B is 1.

A.join(broadcast(B), $"cur" >= $"low" &&  $"cur" <= $"high", "left_outer")

The speed is pretty slow (> 10 hours).

But if I change the join condition to:

A.join(broadcast(B), $"cur" === $"low" , "left_outer")

It becomes extremely fast (< 30 minutes). But the condition cannot be changed.

So are there any ways to further improve the join speed on my original join condition?

like image 983
derek Avatar asked Apr 18 '17 23:04


1 Answers

The trick is to rewrite join condition so it contains = component which can be used to optimize the query and narrow down possible matches. For numeric values you bucketize your data and use buckets for join condition.

Let's say your data looks like this:

val a = spark.range(100000)
  .withColumn("cur", (rand(1) * 1000).cast("bigint"))

val b = spark.range(100)
  .withColumn("low", (rand(42) * 1000).cast("bigint"))
  .withColumn("high", ($"low" + rand(-42) * 10).cast("bigint"))

First choose a bucket size appropriate for your data. In this case we can use 50:

val bucketSize = 50L

Assign bucket for each row from a:

val aBucketed = a.withColumn(
  "bucket", ($"cur" / bucketSize).cast("bigint") * bucketSize

Create UDF which will emit buckets for a range:

def get_buckets(bucketSize: Long) = 
  udf((low: Long, high: Long) => {
    val min = (low / bucketSize) * bucketSize
    val max = (high / bucketSize) * bucketSize
    (min to max by bucketSize).toSeq

and bucket b:

val bBucketed = b.withColumn(
  "bucket", explode(get_buckets(bucketSize)($"low",  $"high"))

use bucket in join condition:

  aBucketed("bucket") === bBucketed("bucket") && 
    $"cur" >= $"low" &&  
    $"cur" <= $"high",

This way Spark will use BroadcastHashJoin:

*BroadcastHashJoin [bucket#184L], [bucket#178L], LeftOuter, BuildRight, ((cur#98L >= low#105L) && (cur#98L <= high#109L))
:- *Project [id#95L, cur#98L, (cast((cast(cur#98L as double) / 50.0) as bigint) * 50) AS bucket#184L]
:  +- *Project [id#95L, cast((rand(1) * 1000.0) as bigint) AS cur#98L]
:     +- *Range (0, 100000, step=1, splits=Some(8))
+- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[3, bigint, false]))
   +- Generate explode(if ((isnull(low#105L) || isnull(high#109L))) null else UDF(low#105L, high#109L)), true, false, [bucket#178L]
      +- *Project [id#102L, low#105L, cast((cast(low#105L as double) + (rand(-42) * 10.0)) as bigint) AS high#109L]
         +- *Project [id#102L, cast((rand(42) * 1000.0) as bigint) AS low#105L]
            +- *Range (0, 100, step=1, splits=Some(8))

instead of BroadcastNestedLoopJoin:

== Physical Plan ==
BroadcastNestedLoopJoin BuildRight, LeftOuter, ((cur#98L >= low#105L) && (cur#98L <= high#109L))
:- *Project [id#95L, cast((rand(1) * 1000.0) as bigint) AS cur#98L]
:  +- *Range (0, 100000, step=1, splits=Some(8))
+- BroadcastExchange IdentityBroadcastMode
   +- *Project [id#102L, low#105L, cast((cast(low#105L as double) + (rand(-42) * 10.0)) as bigint) AS high#109L]
      +- *Project [id#102L, cast((rand(42) * 1000.0) as bigint) AS low#105L]
         +- *Range (0, 100, step=1, splits=Some(8))

You can tune bucket size to balance between precision and data size.

If you don't mind a lower level solution then broadcast a sorted sequence with constant item access (like Array or Vector) and use udf with binary search for joining.

You should also take a look at the number of partitions. 8 partitions for 100GB seems pretty low.

See also:

  • SPARK-8682 - Range Join for Spark SQL
  • SPARK-22947 - SPIP: as-of join in Spark SQL

  • Spark SQL performance - JOIN on value BETWEEN min and max

like image 56
zero323 Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
