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How to import existing Objective C classes in Swift




I had been messing around with Swift for a while in XCode 6.0 DP to use it in my existing project. I am trying to access MyModel.h(My existing Objective C Model object) from my ViewController.swift file. I wanted to import

#import "MyModel.h" to my Swift file. But I could not find how this can be done.

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shah1988 Avatar asked Jun 04 '14 09:06


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To access and use swift classes or libraries in objective-c files start with an objective-c project that already contains some files. Add a new Swift file to the project. In the menu select File>New>File… then select Swift File, instead of Cocoa Touch Class. Name the file and hit create.

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1 Answers

Posting the answer if it helps some one facing the same issue.

I found that a pretty straight forward solution for How to do this is given in the iOS Developer Library. Please refer to the following link:


Apple Doc says:

To import a set of Objective-C files in the same app target as your Swift code, you rely on an Objective-C bridging header to expose those files to Swift. Xcode offers to create this header file when you add a Swift file to an existing Objective-C app, or an Objective-C file to an existing Swift app.

So I created MyApp-Bridging-Header.h file and just added the following line:

#import "MyModel.h" 

Now it lets me use the model in my ViewController.swift as follows:

var myModel = MyModel() myModel.name = "My name" myModel.dobString = "11 March,2013" println ("my model values: Name: \myModel.name and dob: \myModel.dobString") 

FYI to anyone who is trying to figure this out. If you have to create the bridging file from scratch, you also have to specify a path to it in Build Settings > Swift Compiler > Objective-C Bridging Header.

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shah1988 Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 02:11
