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How to implement with hibernate criteria Object the select query with inner join

I'm new with Hibernate and Criteria Query. So I have implemented the query in HQL:

select A.mobilephone
from mobile_table A
inner join user_table B
    on A.codmobile=B.codmobile
inner join Credit C 
    on A.mobileCredit= C.mobileCredit

How can I implement it with Hibernate Criteria Object?

like image 993
Bomberlatinos9 Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 09:11


People also ask

How inner join is used in Hibernate criteria?

Anyway , you can use the following methods from the Criteria API to construct the desired Criteria object : Use the setProjection(Projection projection) to define the select clause. Use the createCriteria(String associationPath,String alias) to define the inner join.

How does Hibernate determine query criteria?

createCriteria(Employee. class); Criterion salary = Restrictions.gt("salary", 2000); Criterion name = Restrictions. ilike("firstNname","zara%"); // To get records matching with OR conditions LogicalExpression orExp = Restrictions.or(salary, name); cr.

1 Answers

Your example is just a native SQL , not the HQL . Anyway , you can use the following methods from the Criteria API to construct the desired Criteria object :

  • Use the setProjection(Projection projection) to define the select clause
  • Use the createCriteria(String associationPath,String alias) to define the inner join

For example , if the SQL is :

    TableA.columnA ,TableB.columnB ,TableC.columnC
from TableA 
inner join TableB on TableA.tableB_id=TableB.id
inner join TableC on TableA.tableC_id=TableC.id
where TableA.columnAA="AAA"
and TableB.columnBB="BBB"
and TableC.columnCC="CCC"

Then the Criteria object will be:

List<Object[]>resultList= (List<Object[]>)session.createCriteria(TableA.class, "aliasOfTableA") 
                .add(Restrictions.eq("aliasOfTableA.columnAA", "AAA"))  
                .createCriteria("aliasOfTableA.tableBId" , "aliasOfTableB")
                .add(Restrictions.eq("aliasOfTableB.columnBB", "BBB"))
                .createCriteria("aliasOfTableA.tableCId" , "aliasOfTableC")
                .add(Restrictions.eq("aliasOfTableC.columnCC", "CCC"))
                .setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
                        .add( Projections.property("aliasOfTableA.columnA") )
                        .add( Projections.property("aliasOfTableB.columnB"))
                        .add( Projections.property("aliasOfTableC.columnC") )

for (Object[] obj : resultList) {
        System.out.println(obj[0]); //print the value from TableA.columnA
        System.out.println(obj[1]); //print the value from TableB.columnB
        System.out.println(obj[2]); //print the value from TableC.columnC

Please note that all parameters in the Criteria use the property name and class name in the mapped Java entities.

like image 83
Ken Chan Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Ken Chan