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How to implement operator-> for an iterator that constructs its values on-demand?

I have a C++ class that acts like a container: it has size() and operator[] member functions. The values stored "in" the container are std::tuple objects. However, the container doesn't actually hold the tuples in memory; instead, it constructs them on-demand based on underlying data stored in a different form.

std::tuple<int, int, int>
MyContainer::operator[](std::size_t n) const {
    // Example: draw corresponding elements from parallel arrays
    return { underlying_data_a[n], underlying_data_b[n], underlying_data_c[n] };

Hence, the return type of operator[] is a temporary object, not a reference. (This means it's not an lvalue, so the container is read-only; that's OK.)

Now I'm writing an iterator class that can be used to traverse the tuples in this container. I'd like to model RandomAccessIterator, which depends on InputIterator, but InputIterator requires support for the expression i->m (where i is an iterator instance), and as far as I can tell, an operator-> function is required to return a pointer.

Naturally, I can't return a pointer to a temporary tuple that's constructed on-demand. One possibility that comes to mind is to put a tuple instance into the iterator as a member variable, and use it to store a copy of whichever value the iterator is currently positioned on:

class Iterator {
    MyContainer *container;
    std::size_t current_index;

    // Copy of (*container)[current_index]
    std::tuple<int, int, int> current_value;
    // ...

However, updating the stored value will require the iterator to check whether its current index is less than the container's size, so that a past-the-end iterator doesn't cause undefined behavior by accessing past the end of the underlying arrays. That adds (a small amount of) runtime overhead — not enough to make the solution impractical, of course, but it feels a little inelegant. The iterator shouldn't really need to store anything but a pointer to the container it's iterating and the current position within it.

Is there a clean, well-established way to support operator-> for iterator types that construct their values on-demand? How would other developers do this sort of thing?

(Note that I don't really need to support operator-> at all — I'm implementing the iterator mainly so that the container can be traversed with a C++11 "range for" loop, and std::tuple doesn't have any members that one would typically want to access via -> anyway. But I'd like to model the iterator concepts properly nonetheless; it feels like I'm cutting corners otherwise. Or should I just not bother?)

like image 653
Wyzard Avatar asked Dec 20 '14 17:12


People also ask

How is iterator implemented in C++?

The iterator is implemented as a pointer to a node, and contains operator overloads for the four usual iterator operations of dereference, increment, comparison, and assignment. in the list class that can be used to insert new data items at arbitrary locations in the list.

What is iterator operator?

One iterator object is equal to another if they address the same elements in a container. If two iterators point to different elements in a container, then they aren't equal. The first two template operators return true only if both left and right store the same iterator.

What is the use of iterator while using containers justify with an example?

An iterator is an object (like a pointer) that points to an element inside the container. We can use iterators to move through the contents of the container. They can be visualized as something similar to a pointer pointing to some location and we can access the content at that particular location using them.

How do you dereference an iterator?

3. Dereferencing: An input iterator can be dereferenced, using the operator * and -> as an rvalue to obtain the value stored at the position being pointed to by the iterator. 4. Incrementable: An input iterator can be incremented, so that it refers to the next element in the sequence, using operator ++().

2 Answers

template<class T>
struct pseudo_ptr {
  T t;
  T operator*()&&{return t;}
  T* operator->(){ return &t; }


struct bar { int x,y; };
struct bar_iterator:std::iterator< blah, blah >{
  // ...
  pseudo_ptr<bar> operator->() const { return {**this}; }
  // ...

This relies on how -> works.

ptr->b for pointer ptr is simply (*ptr).b.

Otherwise it is defined as (ptr.operator->())->b. This evaluates recursively if operator-> does not return a pointer.

The pseudo_ptr<T> above gives you a wrapper around a copy of T.

Note, however, that lifetime extension doesn't really work. The result is fragile.

like image 194
Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont

Here's an example relying on the fact that operator-> is applied repeatedly until a pointer is returned. We make Iterator::operator-> return the Contained object as a temporary. This causes the compiler to reapply operator->. We then make Contained::operator-> simply return a pointer to itself. Note that if we don't want to put operator-> in the Contained on-the-fly object, we can wrap it in a helper object that returns a pointer to the internal Contained object.

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>

class Contained {
        Contained(int a_, int b_) : a(a_), b(b_) {}
        const Contained *operator->() {
            return this;
        const int a, b;

class MyContainer {
        class Iterator {
                friend class MyContainer;
                friend bool operator!=(const Iterator &it1, const Iterator &it2) {
                    return it1.current_index != it2.current_index;
                Iterator(const MyContainer *c, std::size_t ind) : container(c), current_index(ind) {}
                Iterator &operator++() {
                    return *this;
                // -> is reapplied, since this returns a non-pointer.
                Contained operator->() {
                    return Contained(container->underlying_data_a[current_index], container->underlying_data_b[current_index]);
                Contained operator*() {
                    return Contained(container->underlying_data_a[current_index], container->underlying_data_b[current_index]);
                const MyContainer *const container;
                std::size_t current_index;
        MyContainer() {
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                underlying_data_a[i] = underlying_data_b[i] = i;
        Iterator begin() const {
            return Iterator(this, 0);
        Iterator end() const {
            return Iterator(this, 10);
        int underlying_data_a[10];
        int underlying_data_b[10];

main() {
    MyContainer c;

    for (const auto &e : c) {
        std::cout << e.a << ", " << e.b << std::endl;
like image 45
kec Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
