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How to implement map using reduce in Clojure

In the book Clojure for the Brave and True at the end of the section covering reduce there's a challenge:

If you want an exercise that will really blow your hair back, try implementing map using reduce

It turns out that this was a lot harder (at least for me, a Clojure beginner) than I thought it would be. After quite a few hours I came up with this:

(defn map-as-reduce
  [f coll]
  (reduce #(cons (f %2) %1) '() (reverse coll)))

Is a better way to do this? I'm particularly frustrated by the fact that I have to reverse the input collection in order for this to work correctly. It seems somehow inelegant!

like image 646
mluisbrown Avatar asked May 13 '16 14:05


People also ask

What is reduce in Clojure?

The second argument is the new input value from the source being reduced. The reduce function will call the function for each item in the collection until a final result is returned or there are no more items left in the collection.

What is map in Clojure?

A map is a collection that holds key-value pairs. The values stored in the map can be accessed using the corresponding key. In Clojure there are two types of maps: Hash maps. Sorted maps.

2 Answers

just for fun: map really accepts more than one collection as an argument. Here is an extended implementation:

(defn map-with-reduce
  ([f coll] (seq (reduce #(conj %1 (f %2)) [] coll)))
  ([f coll & colls]
    (let [colls (cons coll colls)]
      (map-with-reduce (partial apply f)
                       (partition (count colls) 
                                  (apply interleave colls))))))

in repl:

user> (map-with-reduce inc [1 2 3])
(2 3 4)

user> (map-with-reduce + [1 2 3] [4 5] [6 7 8])
(11 14)
like image 82
leetwinski Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10


Remember that you can efficiently insert at the end of a vector:

(defn map' [f coll]
  (reduce #(conj %1 (f %2)) [] coll))


(map' inc [1 2 3])
;=> [2 3 4]

One difference between this map' and the original map is that the original map returns an ISeq instead of just a Seqable:

(seq? (map inc [1 2 3]))
;=> true

(seq? (map' inc [1 2 3]))
;=> false

You could remedy this by composing the above implementation of map' with seq:

(defn map' [f coll]
  (seq (reduce #(conj %1 (f %2)) [] coll)))

The most important difference now is that, while the original map is lazy, this map' is eager, because reduce is eager.

like image 41
Sam Estep Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

Sam Estep