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How to implement Error Logging in Windows phone app?

Hi I am developing an windows phone application.

I want to implement error logging in my app. I want to handle error logs in better way.

  • How can log the error information(so that it will be helpful for the developer to rectify the error)

  • Are there any 3rd party tools / free library's for error logging in metro apps.

  • What are the various alternatives available for error logging?

  • What is the best followed practice for error logging?

Please help me out.

Your answer will be very helpful to me.

Thanks in advance.

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user1516781 Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 12:03


1 Answers

1) Some times I just save the Exception.ToString() in a local database and when the WP has internet conection I sent that data.

2, 3 & 4) mtiks offers an easy to implement real-time Mobile App Analytics for major mobile platforms which include Windows Phone. App publishers can integrate the framework within minutes to understand their app usage using different reports and charts. Features include Error Tracking, Events, Events with Attributes, etc. Additionally, mtiks offers a companion app for Windows Phone to monitor activity

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Diomedes Domínguez Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Diomedes Domínguez