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How to implement a JSR Specification

I'm considering implementing one or two JSR APIs. I have not yet read the entire specification (the plan is to read them as I code the implementation) but I am very familiar with them. I have read that the JSR process includes implementing a Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) for testing said JSR implementations.

Before I start writing a bunch of unit tests to verify the correctness/completeness of my implementation I would really like to use this TCK but I have no idea if it is available for me. After downloading all files and googling around I could not find anything that could be defined as a TCK for the given JSR.

So my question is basically: What steps do I need to do in order to produce my own implementation of a JSR spec and how do I verify that I have indeed done so.

For what it's worth, I am considering implementing JSR-168 and JSR-286, but I think that is not relevant for this question.

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pjesi Avatar asked Apr 23 '09 11:04


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2 Answers

What you may need to do, is to contact the spec lead for the given JSR. They can give you more information on obtaining a TCK.

It may be that you have to pay a license to obtain access to the TCK. Certainly with the Java SE specification, Sun does indeed charge a license fee for the TCK, unless you qualify as a non-profit organization to receive it for free.

That said, I believe it varies from JSR to JSR, so as I said above, the best bet is to contact the JSR spec lead.

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Martin OConnor Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 17:11

Martin OConnor

Wow, this is a very ambitious project, usually taken over by companies or big open source teams. If you are determined enough to do it, I recommend that you have a look at some open source implementations. The mentioned JSRs are implemented by Pluto. It may worth to have a look at the source distribution.

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kgiannakakis Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11
