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How to implement a flip over effect using AngularJS animations?

What would be the best way to achieve a flip over effect using AngularJS animations?

I would like the flip over effect to occur on click. Every time it's clicked, it should flip over to the other side.

Ideally, I guess, I'm looking for a directive implementation that uses Angular animations.

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Misha Moroshko Avatar asked Apr 15 '14 06:04

Misha Moroshko

4 Answers

PLNKR - here is a seed of a configurable angular directive that provides 3d flipping functionality. I do not see any good reason why to use ngAnimate for it.

basic usage

<flip flip-width="200px" flip-height="100px">


  1. It appends css-styles on its own, to be fully independent.
  2. In a proper, generic directive all names should be configurable.
  3. flip-width and flip-height sets style of flip and both flip-panels.
  4. Directive makes some basic check, if both front and back are set.
  5. First flip-panel is front and the second is back.
  6. Due to usage of transclusion content of the flip-panel may be arbitrary html. (you are right Misha no transclusion needed)
  7. It only works in -webkit. (update to make it work in Firefox, just duplicate all pieces with -webkit with no prefix - you do not need -moz)


PLNKR - here is an updated and extended version. It shows what I meant by making the directive configurable. In more details:

  1. Introduced flipConfig via provider, that allows to set in app.config:
    • default dimensions
    • css class names
    • speed of the transition
    • if the flip action is triggered by a click on the panel
  2. Introduced flip-show attribute that specifies which side to show.
  3. Changing flip-show we can trigger the flip action from outside of the directive.
  4. It works in Firefox and [almost:-)] in IE11.

(btw: it is just a seed and it may be improved in a lot of ways. E.g: specifying axis, specifying origin of the transform, specifying radius and margin of the panels, allowing flip on hover, defaults colors, margins and so on)

like image 64
artur grzesiak Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 07:11

artur grzesiak

I had the same usecase just recently for an angular memory game.

My implementation is the same by the idea of the other answers. I also released the flipping code along with a DEMO.

Github: https://github.com/zwacky/angular-flippy

P.s.: Looks i'm late to the party ;)

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Simon Wicki Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 07:11

Simon Wicki

You can use ng-click and ng-class to add a class when the flip container is clicked.

<div class="flip-container" ng-click="flip = !flip" ng-class="{'flip': flip}">
  <div class="flipper">
    <div class="front" style="background: lightblue;">
    <div class="back" style="background: lightgreen;">

This is essentially the angular way of doing what Walsh suggested in his article:

Adding the flip class to the container element will flip the card using JavaScript -- no user hover required. A JavaScript comment like document.querySelector("#myCard").classList.toggle("flip") will do the flip!

The only change to David Walsh's css was removing the :hover selector - the html structure is unchanged. It works nicely in chrome and firefox.. but the flip isn't as pretty in IE.

Here is a working demo: http://plnkr.co/edit/0dn775vpuoOeh2PS1T6k?p=preview

I created a simple directive to encapsulate this basic technique. It allows you to flip over a black card, to reveal a picture on the other side.

app.directive("flipReveal", function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    templateUrl: 'template.html',
    scope: {
      url: '=',
      flip: '='

Here is a link to a new demo: http://plnkr.co/X4pSav


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j.wittwer Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 08:11


Disclaimer Based on @artur's answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/23139242/1319998 , but hopefully both simplified and made more flexible.

A custom directive is the way to go, one that can be used as:

<flip flip-side="{{side}}">
    Front side contents
    Rear contents

I think it should have certain properties:

  • Programatically controlled by an attribute. In this case, a string that is equal to 'front' or 'back'

    <flip flip-side="{{side}}">....</flip>

    this would allow programmatic access via the surrounding scope.

  • Integrated with ngAnimate/$animate. Specifically, if ngAnimate is removed or disabled, the animation should not occur, but the reveal of the other side happen immediately. Using $animate.addClass/$animate.removeClass would achieve this, adding/removing a flip-visible class together with display:block and display:none styles to make sure the right side is visible/hidden when the animations are disabled.

    flip > flip-front, flip > flip-back {
      display: none;
    flip > .flip-visible {
      display: block;
  • Controlled by CSS, with defaults. So if you want to change the duration of the flip, it's a CSS, and not a Javascript, addition.

    So it will have a style sheet to add styles required for the various stages of $animate.addClass / $animate.removeClass CSS animations explained at Year of Moo and $animate docs . The class will be flip-visible, so the extra classes will be .flip-visible-add, .flip-visible-add-active, .flip-visible-remove, and .flip-visible-remove-active classes.

    The full set of styles can be seen at http://plnkr.co/edit/bbYbMhiURnm6FqC9patp?p=preview, but the main construction is of the form:

    .flip-visible-add {
      // Initial setup: time and initial, pre-animation, transform
    .flip-visible-add.flip-visible-add-active {
      // Target transform

Putting all this together, the directive is quite short:

app.directive("flip", function($animate) {
  return {
    restrict : "E",
    controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
      var elements = {
        'front': $element.find('flip-front'),
        'back': $element.find('flip-back')
      $attrs.$observe('flipSide', function(visibleSide) {
        visibleSide = visibleSide || 'front';
        var otherSide = visibleSide == 'front' ? 'back' : 'front';
        $animate.removeClass(elements[otherSide], 'flip-visible');
        $animate.addClass(elements[visibleSide], 'flip-visible');

This can all be seen in an example, together with the stylesheets to make it all work, at http://plnkr.co/edit/bbYbMhiURnm6FqC9patp?p=preview

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Michal Charemza Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 06:11

Michal Charemza