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In a Chrome App using AngularJS, can I use the ngSrc directive directly for internal images?

I'm writing a Chrome App using AngularJS. I know that when accessing external images you have to do a cross-origin XMLHttpRequest and serve them as blobs.

I have a bunch of internal images (local app resources) that follow a pattern that I want to display in an ngRepeat.

I can get the images to load statically just fine with something like:

<img src="images/image1.png"/>

But when I try using them in a repeat like this:

<div ng-repeat="item in myList">
    <img ng-src="{{item.imageUrl}}"/>

I get an error for each image (though the image from the error does exist) like this:

Refused to load the image 'unsafe:chrome-extension://hcdb...flhk/images/image1.png' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: chrome-extension-resource:".

I have been able to load external resources successfully using ng-src and XHR. Do I have to follow the same pattern for internal resources loaded dynamically?

Update - Another Simple Example

Starting with the simplest Chrome App (https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chrome-app-samples/tree/master/hello-world), the following will work outside a chrome app (in the browser) but not within the chrome app:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app ng-csp>
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <script src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/test.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <img ng-src="{{imageUrl}}"/>


function Ctrl($scope) {
    $scope.imageUrl = 'hello_world.png';
like image 751
Shaun Avatar asked Mar 31 '14 05:03


1 Answers

I just found the answer in another stack overflow question:

Angular changes urls to "unsafe:" in extension page

Angular has a whitelist regular expression that an image src url must match before angular will change the src. A chrome-extension:// url doesn't match it by default so you have to change it. See here for more information:


I added the following code to allow chrome-extension// urls to the whitelist (using the code from the other stackoverflow question's answer):

angular.module('myApp', [])
.config( [
    function( $compileProvider ) {
        var currentImgSrcSanitizationWhitelist = $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist();
        var newImgSrcSanitizationWhiteList = currentImgSrcSanitizationWhitelist.toString().slice(0,-1)
        + '|chrome-extension:'

        console.log("Changing imgSrcSanitizationWhiteList from "+currentImgSrcSanitizationWhitelist+" to "+newImgSrcSanitizationWhiteList);
like image 165
Shaun Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
