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How to ignore all hidden directories/files recursively in a git repository?




People also ask

How do I ignore all untracked files?

You can use the git clean command to remove untracked files. The -fd command removes untracked directories and the git clean -fx command removes ignored and non-ignored files. You can remove untracked files using a . gitignore file.

How do I set git to ignore files?

If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a . gitignore rule for it. Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from your repository, but will remain in your working directory as an ignored file.

Just add a pattern to .gitignore


Edit: Added the .gitignore file itself (matters if it is not yet commited).

.gitignore will only effect files that haven't been 'added' already.

To make new .gitignore entries affect all files

  1. Make changes to .gitignore
  2. git commit -a -m "Pre .gitignore changes"
  3. git rm -r --cached .
  4. git add .
  5. git commit -a -m "Post .gitignore changes"
  6. git status should output "nothing to commit (working directory clean)" `

In .git/info/exclude, add this line:


This will make ignoring all hidden/dot files recursively the default for every repository on the machine. A separate .gitignore file for every repo is not needed this way.