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How to identify overlaps in multiple columns




I have a dataset (mydata) that contains multiple columns which could fit inside ranges that are stored in another dataset (mycomparison).

I would like to join mycomparison to mydata where the mydata values are within the ranges in mycomparison.



  val1=seq(10000, 50000, by=10000),


Desired Output

> mydata.withmatches
   id  val1 val2      val3 Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
1:  1 10000  387 0.4844319    A       0   50000     300     800       0       1              0.1
2:  2 20000  425 0.7856313   NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA               NA
3:  3 30000  324 0.8063969   NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA               NA
4:  4 40000  263 0.5590113   NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA               NA
5:  5 50000  187 0.8764396   NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA               NA

Current solution

This feels/is very clunky and involves cross-joining the data (using optiRum::CJ.dt), doing a big logical check, and then reassembling the data.



matched<-workingdt[val1>=minval1 &
                     val1<=maxval1 &
                     val2>=minval2 &
                     val2<=maxval2 &
                     val3>=minval3 &
notmatched<-mydata[id!= matched[,id]]


mydata.withmatches<- rbindlist(all, fill=TRUE, use.names=TRUE)

Looking for a better solution - UPDATED

I'm aware of foverlaps but it will work on a single interval, not on many ranges like in this instance.

I'm hoping for a less clunky and more elegant solution.

like image 408
Steph Locke Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 11:02

Steph Locke

People also ask

How do you find the overlap in data sets?

Open the workspace that contains the data sets that you want to identify overlaps for, select one or more data sets, and click Run relationship analysis. Select Overlap analysis. Then, click Analyze. Note: You can run a key relationship analysis at the same time that you run an overlap analysis.

What is overlap analysis?

The Overlap Analysis feature shows you, for each database in your collection, the number of e-journal and e-book titles that are unique to that database, and the number that are available elsewhere in your collection. Overlap Analysis compares full-text journal titles and e-books.

1 Answers

I do not exactly understand your Desired Output, because multiple id's match the mycomparison data.table. Using your data (rounded to two decimal places):

> mydata
   id  val1 val2 val3
1:  1 10000  387 0.48
2:  2 20000  425 0.79
3:  3 30000  324 0.81
4:  4 40000  263 0.56
5:  5 50000  187 0.88


> mycomparison
   Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
1:    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
2:    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
3:    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3

This gives:

> workingdt
    id  val1 val2 val3 Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
 1:  1 10000  387 0.48    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
 2:  2 20000  425 0.79    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
 3:  3 30000  324 0.81    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
 4:  4 40000  263 0.56    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
 5:  5 50000  187 0.88    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
 6:  1 10000  387 0.48    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
 7:  2 20000  425 0.79    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
 8:  3 30000  324 0.81    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
 9:  4 40000  263 0.56    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
10:  5 50000  187 0.88    B   30000   80000     400     800     0.5     0.9              0.2
11:  1 10000  387 0.48    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
12:  2 20000  425 0.79    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
13:  3 30000  324 0.81    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
14:  4 40000  263 0.56    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
15:  5 50000  187 0.88    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3

And leaving off your which.min():

> workingdt[val1>=minval1 & val1<= maxval1 & val2>=minval2 &
            val2<=maxval2 & val3>=minval3 & val3<=maxval3]
   id  val1 val2 val3 Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
1:  1 10000  387 0.48    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
2:  2 20000  425 0.79    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
3:  3 30000  324 0.81    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1
4:  1 10000  387 0.48    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
5:  2 20000  425 0.79    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3

If you use the data.table group-by functionality, you can pick the min(correspondingval) for each id (I am leaving off the unmatched data for the moment):

> workingdt[val1>=minval1 & val1<= maxval1 & val2>=minval2 & 
            val2<=maxval2 & val3>=minval3 & val3<=maxval3]
                   [,.SD[which.min(correspondingval)], by=id]
   id  val1 val2 val3 Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
1:  1 10000  387 0.48    A       0   50000     300     800       0       1              0.1
2:  2 20000  425 0.79    A       0   50000     300     800       0       1              0.1
3:  3 30000  324 0.81    A       0   50000     300     800       0       1              0.1

Or, the max(correspondingval) if you prefer:

> workingdt[val1>=minval1 & val1<= maxval1 & val2>=minval2 &
            val2<=maxval2 & val3>=minval3 & val3<=maxval3]
                   [,.SD[which.max(correspondingval)], by=id]
   id  val1 val2 val3 Name minval1 maxval1 minval2 maxval2 minval3 maxval3 correspondingval
1:  1 10000  387 0.48    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
2:  2 20000  425 0.79    C   10000   30000     300     800     0.2     0.8              0.3
3:  3 30000  324 0.81    A       0   50000     300     800     0.0     1.0              0.1

If all you want--as shown in your Desired Output--is the first row with the minimum correspondingval and everything else with NA there are easier ways to do this. If you want to know where each id matches a range--as I have shown in my output--then a cleaner, more elegant solution is different.

Let me know.

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Daniel Wisehart Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Daniel Wisehart