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How to I test an HTTP-Post with Moq in ASP.NET?

i've got the following Action Method I'm trying to moq test. Notice the AcceptVerbs? I need to make sure i'm testing that.

here's the method.

public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Subject, Content")]Post post,
    HttpPostedFileBase imageFileName)

here's the moq code i have...

public void Create_Action_snip_sniop_When_Http_Post_Is_Succesful()
    // Arrange.
    var mock = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
    mock.SetupGet(m => m.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod).Returns("POST");

    // Snip some other arrangements.

    var controller = PostController;
    controller.ControllerContext = mock.Object;

    // Act.
    var viewResult = controller.Create(post, image.Object) as ViewResult;

    // Assert.

    // TODO: Test that the request was an Http-Post.

what do i need to do to verify the request was a post?

like image 936
Pure.Krome Avatar asked Apr 05 '09 13:04


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1 Answers

Your attribute won't be invoked when running as a unit test because it is normally invoked by the ControllerActionInvoker as part of the Mvc "stack". What I've done in cases like this is to write a test to make sure that the correct attribute is applied to the action with the correct parameters. Then I trust that the framework will do its job correctly.

Doing this requires reflection:

 public void Only_posts_are_allowed_to_my_action()
       var method = typeof(MyController).GetMethod("MyAction");
       var attribute = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AcceptVerbsAttribute),false)

       Assert.IsNotNull( attribute );
       Assert.AreEqual( 1, attributes.Count() );
       Assert.IsTrue( attributes.Contains( HttpVerbs.Post ) );
like image 130
tvanfosson Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10
