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How to hide/view result grid in MySQL Workbench?

I'm using MySQL Workbench on Windows. I execute a query and I get the result. Is there any option or a hotkey to hide/view the result grid without executing the query again and again?

Please help me on this.

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Yashwanth Aluru Avatar asked Jan 20 '15 05:01

Yashwanth Aluru

People also ask

How do I change the result grid in MySQL Workbench?

To edit a big table: You can right click the "Send to SQL Editor -> SELECT All Statement". Then before running, this, add a LIMIT 100 in that SELECT or a WHERE condition to filter the rows returned. You can also go to "Preferences -> SQL Editor" and mark the "Limit Rows" checkbox.

How do I extend the result grid in MySQL Workbench?

Go to File>Page Setup and you can get a bigger grid by selecting B4 (250mm x 353mm). Or whatever your preference of size is from the drop down list.

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The Output is located at the bottom of MySQL Workbench. Its select box includes the Action Output , History Output , and Text Output options.

Video Answer

5 Answers

Here is a simple technique to get back the results grid in MySql WorkBench. Place the text cursor on a query and use the "EXPLAIN command" for the statement under the cursor.

enter image description here

That will open the Visual Explain window. In that window you can find Results Grid. Click on that Results Grid.

enter image description here

You can see the result grid again.

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user10268642 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10


There's a bug in current latest (8.0.11) MySQL Workbench when for some reason it's no longer showing Results Grid when you execute your statements. The only reasonable way to fix this that I found was to close the app completely and reopen it.

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repka Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10


You can close result tab this way enter image description here

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venoel Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10


I think there is a bug in latest (8.0.11) MySQL Workbench regarding result grid view. Since the installation I was not able to see Result Grid window for any query but I have some how able to get result grid window by changing Resultset Grid font from Tomaha (default with installation) to Consolas 10 and then executing one query.

Hope this might help others facing same issue on 8.0.11 version till the permanent fix.

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Prof. bo boy Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10

Prof. bo boy

Updating MySQL workbench worked for me. I'm on MacOSX

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Climbs_lika_Spyder Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10
