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How to hide wsdl information on WCF?




I thought that deleting of endpoint with 'IMetadataExchange' is enough. I did that but wsdl file is still generated...

How to hide wsdl information on WCF?

P.S. Probably my question is not valid (I don't understand WCF too deep), so please correct me.

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Budda Avatar asked Jun 25 '11 23:06


People also ask

How to hide WSDL file?

Solution 1: Write some code in your " web. config" file in the <system. web> section. This code will not generate the documentation of the web service and if you again run the web service then it will provide the exception.

Does WCF use WSDL?

You can use WCF to export WSDL documents from a ServiceDescription instance for your service. WSDL documents are automatically generated for your service when you publish metadata endpoints.

What is WSDL in WCF service?

WSDL stands for Web Service Description Language. The WCF service exposes the WSDL document for the clients, to generate proxies and the configuration file. The WSDL file provides the following information for the consumers of the WCF service.

1 Answers

Your service's behavior configuration most probably contains:

<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />

Remove serviceMetadata behavior from your service configuration or turn its httpGetEnabled to false.

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Ladislav Mrnka Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10

Ladislav Mrnka