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How to hide the Column header in a WPF DataGrid?

I am using a DataGrid in Expression Blend but I just need to show only the registries and hide the ColumnHeader.

How do I do that?

like image 343
Ubalo Avatar asked Jul 02 '09 18:07


People also ask

How to hide grid Row in WPF?

Simply do this: rowToHide. Height = new GridLength(0);

2 Answers

In the DataGrid there is a Header section where the field Header Visibility could be set to None.

Or in xaml for the Datagrid add the property

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Vic Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09


Both DataGrid of namespace System.Windows.Controls and WpfToolkit:DataGrid of Microsoft.Windows.Controls have the property


In the properties window of DataGrid you can indeed choose from the available options

None Column Row All 

But this doesn't appear in the Properties window of WpfToolkit:DataGrid So as far as I know, you need to type that in inside your .xaml file.

<WpfToolkit:DataGrid HeadersVisibility="None">        ... </WpfToolkit:DataGrid> 

If you want I can post the whole UserControl. Is that useful ?

like image 25
HCP Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09