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How to hide password input from terminal in ruby script



I am new to ruby. I need to receive password as an input through gets command.

How do I hide the password input typed in the terminal, during gets call

like image 748
jsampath Avatar asked Feb 26 '10 01:02


6 Answers

One can also use core ruby.

$ ri IO.noecho

 (from ruby core)
   io.noecho {|io| }

 Yields self with disabling echo back.


 will read and return a line without echo back.

For 1.9.3 (and above), this requires you adding require 'io/console' to your code.

require 'io/console'
text = STDIN.noecho(&:gets)
like image 197
eclectic923 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11


Best method from @eclectic923's answer:

require 'io/console'
password = STDIN.noecho(&:gets).chomp

For 1.9.3 (and above), this requires you adding require 'io/console' to your code.

Original Answer:

Ruby "Password" is another alternative.

like image 24
ghostdog74 Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11


Starting from Ruby version 2.3.0 you can use the IO#getpass method like this:

require 'io/console'
password = STDIN.getpass("Password:")

See the getpass method in the Standard Library Documentation.

like image 17
Zoran Majstorovic Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11

Zoran Majstorovic

There is a library called highline which works like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'highline/import'

password = ask("Enter password: ") { |q| q.echo = false }
# do stuff with password
like image 30
Otto Allmendinger Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11

Otto Allmendinger

As the others mention, you can use IO#noecho for Ruby >= 1.9. If you'd like support for 1.8, you can shell out to the read builtin shell function:

  require 'io/console'
rescue LoadError

if STDIN.respond_to?(:noecho)
  def get_password(prompt="Password: ")
    print prompt
  def get_password(prompt="Password: ")
    `read -s -p "#{prompt}" password; echo $password`.chomp

Now getting a password is as easy as:

@password = get_password("Enter your password here: ")

Note: In the implementation using read above, you'll run into trouble if you (or some other client of get_password) passes along special shell characters in the prompt (e.g. $/"/'/etc). Ideally, you should escape the prompt string before passing it along to the shell. Unfortunately, Shellwords isn't available in Ruby 1.8. Fortunately, it's easy to backport the relevant bits yourself (specifically shellescape). With that, you can make this slight modification:

  def get_password(prompt="Password: ")
    `read -s -p #{Shellwords.shellescape(prompt)} password; echo $password`.chomp

I mentioned a couple problems with the use of read -s -p in a comment below:

Well, the 1.8 case is a little janky; it doesn't allow for backslashes, unless you hit backslash twice: "The backslash character `\' may be used to remove any special meaning for the next character read and for line continuation." Also: "The characters in the value of the IFS variable are used to split the line into words. " This should probably be fine for most little scripts, but you'd probably want something more robust for larger applications.

We can fix some of those problems by rolling up our sleeves and doing this the hard with stty(1). An outline of what we need to do:

  • Store the current terminal settings
  • Turn of echoing
  • Print the prompt & get user input
  • Restore the terminal settings

We must also take care to restore the terminal settings when interrupted by signals and/or exceptions. The following code will properly handle job control signals (SIGINT/SIGTSTP/SIGCONT) while still playing nicely with any present signal handlers:

require 'shellwords'
def get_password(prompt="Password: ")
  new_sigint = new_sigtstp = new_sigcont = nil
  old_sigint = old_sigtstp = old_sigcont = nil

  # save the current terminal configuration
  term = `stty -g`.chomp
  # turn of character echo
  `stty -echo`

  new_sigint = Proc.new do
    `stty #{term.shellescape}`
    trap("SIGINT",  old_sigint)
    Process.kill("SIGINT", Process.pid)

  new_sigtstp = Proc.new do
    `stty #{term.shellescape}`
    trap("SIGCONT", new_sigcont)
    trap("SIGTSTP", old_sigtstp)
    Process.kill("SIGTSTP", Process.pid)

  new_sigcont = Proc.new do
    `stty -echo`
    trap("SIGCONT", old_sigcont)
    trap("SIGTSTP", new_sigtstp)
    Process.kill("SIGCONT", Process.pid)

  # set all signal handlers
  old_sigint  = trap("SIGINT",  new_sigint)  || "DEFAULT"
  old_sigtstp = trap("SIGTSTP", new_sigtstp) || "DEFAULT"
  old_sigcont = trap("SIGCONT", new_sigcont) || "DEFAULT"

  print prompt
  password = STDIN.gets.chomp

  # restore term and handlers
  `stty #{term.shellescape}`

  trap("SIGINT",  old_sigint)
  trap("SIGTSTP", old_sigtstp)
  trap("SIGCONT", old_sigcont)
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Charles Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 08:11


For ruby version 1.8 (or Ruby < 1.9) I used read shell builtin as mentioned by @Charles.

Putting the code thats just enough to prompt for user name & password, where user name will be echoed to screen while typing in however password typed in would be silent.

 userid = `read -p "User Name: " uid; echo $uid`.chomp
 passwd = `read -s -p "Password: " password; echo $password`.chomp
like image 5
Rishi Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 06:11
