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How to hide or disable the mouse pointer in Tkinter?

I have a fullscreen Tkinter Python application which does not need the mouse -- a simplified version is below. It opens fullscreen and activates a text widget upon pressing F1.

import Tkinter as tk

class App():
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = tk.Tk()
        self.root.attributes('-fullscreen', True)
        self.root.bind('<F1>', self.opennote)
        self.root.bind('<F2>', self.closenote)
        self.root.bind('<F3>', self.quit)
        l = tk.Label(text="some text here")

    def opennote(self, event):
        self.n = tk.Text(self.root, background='blue')

    def closenote(self, event):

    def quit(self, event):


When launched, the mouse pointer is not visible. It becomes visible, though, after initiating the Text widget, and then stays (changing shape between the text frame and the rest of the screen).

I found several articles about how to hide a mouse cursor (by using cursor='' in parameters) but I did not find anything which would work for the mouse pointer across the widgets.

Is it possible to completely hide (or disable) the mouse pointer in Tkinter?

(a question on how to set the mouse position helped me to move this cursor away by issuing a self.root.event_generate('<Motion>', warp=True, x=self.root.winfo_screenwidth(), y=self.root.winfo_screenheight()). This is not a solution but at least the pointer does not jump in one's face from the middle of the screen)

like image 587
WoJ Avatar asked Dec 07 '13 21:12


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1 Answers

I guess,

root.config(cursor="none") should work.

like image 184
dhruvvyas90 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
