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How to hide nav-bar with tabs in Ionic 2?

How to hide nav-bar with tabs in Ionic 2?

I only want to hide it in one of the pages excluding others.

<ion-navbar *navbar   >
  <ion-title>Item Details</ion-title>

I have tried hide-nav-bar="true" but it does not work.

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Kim Wong Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 12:03

Kim Wong

2 Answers

From a tab page you can do:



Nav -> Tabs -> somepage


Nav -> LoginPage

Nav is the root of all nav stacks in Ionic 2

Also, a modal works well for a situation where you want to show a list item's detail in a new view without navigation tabs or a nav bar taking up valuable screen space.

Currently I don't think there is a way to hide tabs when on the child view of the tabs page other than using CSS. If you decide to go with the CSS option then I would suggest using Angular's ngClass attribute https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/common/index/NgClass-directive.html to set a class than will hide the nav tabs or nav bar.

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Jack Vial Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 06:03

Jack Vial

Another method is to do it with css. You can add the following code on your constructor

 tabBarElement: any;

    public navCtrl: NavController) {

    if (document.querySelector('.tabbar')) {
      this.tabBarElement = document.querySelector('.tabbar.show-tabbar');


  ionViewWillEnter() {
    if (this.tabBarElement) {
      this.tabBarElement.style.display = 'none';


  ionViewWillLeave() {
    if (this.tabBarElement) {
      this.tabBarElement.style.display = 'flex';

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LeRoy Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 04:03
