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How to hide details in jquery ajax from browser page source

I am using jquery for all my ajax thing, I don't know if that is fine but I use that for now.
I have one text input when user type characters in it I call server side get some values and add them on the view.
Code that I use bellow works fine but I want to improve it a little.
How can I make this ajax call so that users that want to investigate my page source code can't see what I call here?
So basically I want to hide from page source what url, what type and data send I use here, is it possible?

$(function () {
        $("#txtSearch").keyup(function (evt) {        
                url: "/Prethors/Users/SearchUsers",
                type: "POST",
                data: "text=" + this.value,
                success: function (result) {
                    $("#searchResult").prepend("<p>" + result + "</p>");      
like image 871
1110 Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 21:12


People also ask

How to hide AJAX code?

You can't hide the code. You can move it to a separate js file, but still a user will be able to see it. A solution would be to obfuscate it. See this question.

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The hide() method hides the selected elements. Tip: This is similar to the CSS property display:none.

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What About jQuery and AJAX? jQuery provides several methods for AJAX functionality. With the jQuery AJAX methods, you can request text, HTML, XML, or JSON from a remote server using both HTTP Get and HTTP Post - And you can load the external data directly into the selected HTML elements of your web page!

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It is a method to provide form values like text, numbers, images, and files and upload them on the URL server. It is a function to create a new object and send multiple files using this object.

1 Answers

No, a user will always be able to figure out what calls you are making if you include it in javascript.

You can compress and minify the javascript, but a determined person will always be able to find your url calls.

Here's a js compression site, for example. http://jscompress.com/

like image 144
Michael Dillon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09

Michael Dillon