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How to hide a parameter in swagger?

did anyone succeed to hide a parameter from generated documentation? I found an issue here, but using @ApiParam(access="internal", required=false) before @HeaderParam did not seem to work.

like image 536
eugen-fried Avatar asked Apr 02 '14 13:04


People also ask

How do I hide query parameters in Swagger?

6. Using @ApiParam. @ApiParam is also a Swagger annotation that we can use to specify metadata related to request parameters. We can set the hidden property to true in order to hide any property.

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This is all you need to add to hide the field in the Swagger ui: @ApiModelProperty(hidden = true) private List<Reservation> reservations; That would hide the reservation list from showing. Save this answer.

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Required and Optional Parameters By default, Swagger treats all request parameters as optional. You can add required: true to mark a parameter as required. Note that path parameters must have required: true , because they are always required. description: Numeric ID of the user to get.

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By adding this attribute on a controller or action and specifying IgnoreApi = true , it gets hidden from auto-generated documentation. However, this user has to apply this to around 80 controllers.

2 Answers

Hope this helps.

For Fields

@ApiModelProperty(required = false, hidden = true)
private String hiddenProperty

For Apis

public class MyApi {}

For Parameters

public void getApi(@ApiIgnore String param){}

public String paramInsideClass
like image 107
Ronny Shibley Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Ronny Shibley

Ok, looking at the unit tests helped. First you need to define a filter:

import com.wordnik.swagger.core.filter.SwaggerSpecFilter
import com.wordnik.swagger.model.{Parameter, ApiDescription, Operation}
import java.util

class MySwaggerSpecFilter extends SwaggerSpecFilter{
  override def isOperationAllowed(operation: Operation, api: ApiDescription, params: util.Map[String, util.List[String]], cookies: util.Map[String, String], headers: util.Map[String, util.List[String]]): Boolean = true

  override def isParamAllowed(parameter: Parameter, operation: Operation, api: ApiDescription, params: util.Map[String, util.List[String]], cookies: util.Map[String, String], headers: util.Map[String, util.List[String]]): Boolean = {
    if(parameter.paramAccess == Some("internal")) false
    else true

And then enable it in web.xml

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eugen-fried Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
