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How to handle mouse event in stateless component in React




I wonder if I use stateless component, how can I handle mouse event to change component style, for example:

const Com = (props) => {
    var hltStyle = false;
    function highlight(){
        // I do not know what put here

    var hltStyle = {
        backgroundColor: !hltStyle?"lightgreen": "tomato"

    return (
        <div style={hltStyle} onMouseOver={ highlight } >HOVER ME</div>

What I want just hover this component and change background color. There is some other logic inside highlight, that is why I can not simply use CSS


like image 672
Kuan Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 22:06


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1 Answers

You can achieve that using something like this

const Com = () => {
        function over(e){
        function out(e){
        return <div onMouseOver={over} onMouseOut={out}>HOVER ME </div>;

Anyway, if you feel that you need to declare some variables to use them as the state, you should use a normal component instead of a stateless one.


like image 176
QoP Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10