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How to handle JodaTime's and Android's timezone database differences?

I want to extend a discussion I started on the Reddit Android Dev community yesterday with a new question: How do you manage an up-to-date timezone database shipped with your app using the JodaTime library on a device that has outdated timezone information?

The problem

The specific issue at hand relates to a particular timezone, "Europe/Kaliningrad". And I can reproduce the problem: On an Android 4.4 device, if I manually set its time zone to the above, calling new DateTime() will set this DateTime instance to a time one hour before the actual time displayed on the phone's status bar.

I created a sample Activity to illustrate the problem. On its onCreate() I call the following:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    ViewGroup v = (ViewGroup) findViewById(R.id.root);
    addTimeZoneInfo("America/New_York", v);
    addTimeZoneInfo("Europe/Paris", v);
    addTimeZoneInfo("Europe/Kaliningrad", v);

private void addTimeZoneInfo(String id, ViewGroup root) {
    AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
    //Joda does not update its time zone automatically when there is a system change
    View v = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.info, root, false);
    TextView idInfo = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.id);
    TextView timezone = (TextView) v.findViewById(android.R.id.text1);
    timezone.setText("Time zone: " + TimeZone.getDefault().getDisplayName());
    TextView jodaTime = (TextView) v.findViewById(android.R.id.text2);
    //Using the same pattern as Date()
    jodaTime.setText("Time now (Joda): " + new DateTime().toString("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"));
    TextView javaTime = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.time_java);
    javaTime.setText("Time now (Java): " + new Date().toString());

ResourceZoneInfoProvider.init() is part of the joda-time-android library and it is meant to initialize Joda's time zone database. addTimeZoneInfo overwrites the device's time zone and inflates a new view where the updated time zone information is displayed. Here is an example of result:

Same time at different time zones using Java

Note how for "Kaliningrad", Android maps it to "GMT+3:00" because that was the case until 26 October 2014 (see Wikipedia article). Even some web sites still show this time zone as GMT+3:00 because of how relatively recent this change is. The correct, however, is "GMT+2:00" as displayed by JodaTime.

Flawed possible solutions?

This is a problem because no matter how I try to circumvent it, in the end, I have to format the time to display it to the user in their time zone. And when I do that using JodaTime, the time will be incorrectly formatted because it will mismatch the expected time the system is displaying.

Alternatively, suppose I handle everything in UTC. When the user is adding an event in the calendar and picks a time for the reminder, I can set it to UTC, store it in the db like that and be done with it.

However, I need to set that reminder with Android's AlarmManager not at the UTC time I converted the time set by the user but at the one relative to the time they want the reminder to trigger. This requires the time zone info to come into play.

For example, if the user is somewhere at UTC+1:00 and he or she sets a reminder for 9:00am, I can:

  • Create a new DateTime instance set for 09:00am at the user's timezone and store its milliseconds in the db. I can also directly use the same milliseconds with the AlarmManager;
  • Create a new DateTime instance set for 09:00am at UTC and store its milliseconds in the db. This better addresses a few other issues not exactly related to this question. But when setting the time with the AlarmManager, I need to compute its millisecond value for 09:00am at the user's timezone;
  • Ignore completely Joda DateTime and handle the setting of the reminder using Java's Calendar. This will make my app rely on outdated time zone information when displaying the time but at least there won't be inconsistencies when scheduling with the AlarmManager or displaying the dates and times.

What am I missing?

I may be over thinking this and I'm afraid I might be missing something obvious. Am I? Is there any way I could keep using JodaTime on Android short of adding my own time zone management to the app and completely disregard all built-in Android formatting functions?

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Anyonymous2324 Avatar asked Apr 11 '15 22:04


1 Answers

I think the other answers are missing the point. Yes, when persisting time information, you should consider carefully your use cases to decide how best to do so. But even if you had done it, the problem this question poses would still persist.

Consider Android's alarm clock app, which has its source code freely available. If you look at its AlarmInstance class, this is how it is modeled in the database:

private static final String[] QUERY_COLUMNS = {

And to know when an alarm instance should fire, you call getAlarmTime():

 * Return the time when a alarm should fire.
 * @return the time
public Calendar getAlarmTime() {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, mYear);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, mMonth);
    calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, mDay);
    calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, mHour);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, mMinute);
    calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
    calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
    return calendar;

Note how an AlarmInstance stores the exact time it should fire, regardless of time zone. This ensures that every time you call getAlarmTime() you get the correct time to fire on the user's time zone. The problem here is if the time zone is not updated, getAlarmTime() cannot get correct time changes, for example, when DST starts.

JodaTime comes in handy in this scenario because it ships with its own time zone database. You could consider other date time libraries such as date4j for the convenience of better handling date calculations, but these typically don't handle their own time zone data.

But having your own time zone data introduces a constraint to your app: you cannot rely anymore on Android's time zone. That means you cannot use its Calendar class or its formatting functions. JodaTime provides formatting functions as well, use them. If you must convert to Calendar, instead of using the toCalendar() method, create one similar to the getAlarmTime() above where you pass the exact time you want.

Alternatively, you could check whether there is a time zone mismatch and warn the user like Matt Johnson suggested in his comment. If you decide to keep using both Android's and Joda's functions, I agree with him:

Yes - with two sources of truth, if they're out of sync, there will be mismatches. Check the versions, show a warning, ask to be updated, etc. There's probably not much more you can do than that.

Except there is one more thing you can do: You can change Android's time zone yourself. You should probably warn the user before doing so but then you could force Android to use the same time zone offset as Joda's:

public static boolean isSameOffset() {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    return DateTimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(now) == TimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(now);

After checking, if it is not the same, you can change Android's time zone with a "fake" zone you create from the offset of Joda's correct time zone information:

public static void updateTimeZone(Context c) {
    TimeZone tz = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(DateTimeZone.getDefault().getOffset(System.currentTimeMillis())).toTimeZone();
    AlarmManager mgr = (AlarmManager) c.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);

Remember you will need the <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE"/> permission for that.

Finally, changing the time zone will change the system current time. Unfortunately only system apps can set the time so the best you can do is open the date time settings for the user and prompt him/her to change it manually to the correct one:

startActivity(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_DATE_SETTINGS));

You will also have to add some more controls to make sure the time zone gets updated when DST starts and ends. Like you said, you will be adding your own time zone management but it's the only way to ensure the consistency between the two time zone databases.

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Ricardo Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 18:09
