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How to handle a file_as_string (generated by Prawn) so that it is accepted by Carrierwave?

I'm using Prawn to generate a PDF from the controller of a Rails app,

respond_to do |format|
  format.pdf do
    pdf = GenerateReportPdf.new(@object, view_context)
    send_data pdf.render, filename: "Report", type: "application/pdf", disposition: "inline"

This works fine, but I now want to move GenerateReportPdf into a background task, and pass the resulting object to Carrierwave to upload directly to S3.

The worker looks like this

def perform
  pdf           = GenerateReportPdf.new(@object)
  fileString    = ???????
  document      = Document.new(
    object_id: @object.id,
    file: fileString )
    # file is field used by Carrierwave 

How do I handle the object returned by Prawn (?????) to ensure it is a format that can be read by Carrierwave.

fileString = pdf.render_file 'filename' writes the object to the root directory of the app. As I'm on Heroku this is not possible.

file = pdf.render returns ArgumentError: string contains null byte

fileString = StringIO.new( pdf.render_file 'filename' ) returns TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String

fileString = StringIO.new( pdf.render ) returns ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: File You are not allowed to upload nil files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx

fileString = File.open( pdf.render ) returns ArgumentError: string contains null byte

....and so on.

What am I missing? StringIO.new( pdf.render ) seems like it should work, but I'm unclear why its generating this error.

like image 216
Andy Harvey Avatar asked Jul 18 '15 04:07

Andy Harvey

2 Answers

It turns out StringIO.new( pdf.render ) should indeed work.

The problem I was having was that the filename was being set incorrectly and, despite following the advise below on Carrierwave's wiki, a bug elsewhere in the code meant that the filename was returning as an empty string. I'd overlooked this an assumed that something else was needed


my code ended up looking like this

def perform
  s = StringIO.new(pdf.render)

  def s.original_filename; "my file name"; end

  document  = Document.new(
    object_id: @object.id

  document.file = s

like image 59
Andy Harvey Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09

Andy Harvey

You want to create a tempfile (which is fine on Heroku as long as you don't expect it to persist across requests).

def perform
  # Create instance of your Carrierwave Uploader
  uploader = MyUploader.new

  # Generate your PDF
  pdf = GenerateReportPdf.new(@object)

  # Create a tempfile
  tmpfile = Tempfile.new("my_filename")

  # set to binary mode to avoid UTF-8 conversion errors

  # Use render to write the file contents
  tmpfile.write pdf.render

  # Upload the tempfile with your Carrierwave uploader
  uploader.store! tmpfile

  # Close the tempfile and delete it
like image 23
Stuart Gibson Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

Stuart Gibson