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how to group in mongoDB and return all fields in result

I am using aggregate method in mongoDB to group but when I use $group it returns the only field which I used to group. I have tried $project but it is not working either. I also tried $first and it worked but the result data is now in different format.

The response format I need looks like:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5b814b2852d47e00514d6a09"),
    "tags" : [],
    "name" : "name here",
    "rating" : "123456789"

and after adding $group in my query.response is like this, the value of _id changes. (and the $group is taking only _id, if i try any other keyword it throws an error of accumulator something. please explain this also.)

    "_id" :"name here" //the value of _id changed to the name field which i used in $group condition

I have to remove the duplicates in name field, without changing any structure and fields. also I am using nodeJS with mongoose, so please provide the solution that works with it.

like image 234
Anukool Avatar asked Sep 29 '18 09:09


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In MongoDB, When you want to perform any operation on multiple fields then you have to use $group aggregation. You will more understand with help of examples. Example: In the example, I will show you how you can display some particular documents with multiple fields when we have a large dataset in the collection.

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2 Answers

You can use below aggregation query.

$$ROOT to keep the whole document per each name followed by $replaceRoot to promote the document to the top.

like image 72
s7vr Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10


user2683814's solution worked for me but in my case, I have a counter accumulator when we replace the newRoot object, the count field is missing in the final stage so I've used $mergeObjects operator to get my count field back.

  $group: {
    _id: '$product',
    detail: { $first: '$$ROOT' },
    count: {
      $sum: 1,
  $replaceRoot: {
    newRoot: { $mergeObjects: [{ count: '$count' }, '$detail'] },
like image 14
Sathish Kumar Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 13:10

Sathish Kumar