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How to go to definition of method or procedure in Delphi 7?

How to go to definition of method or procedure in Delphi 7? If ctrl key + mouse-click, it goes to the method declaration. I want it to go to the actual method instead, similar to "go to definition" in Visual Studio.


I want to jump to where proc2's code is defined.

procedure proc1

like image 748
Tony_Henrich Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 05:02


1 Answers

It's a two-step process:

  1. Ctrl+click the identifier you want to navigate to. That will take you to the declaration (as you've already observed).
  2. Once the cursor is on the declaration, press Ctrl+Shift+ to navigate to the corresponding definition.

    You can press that key combination again to go back to the declaration. (The up and down arrow keys are equivalent in this keyboard shortcut; it doesn't actually matter whether you want to navigate up or down within the file.)

like image 141
Rob Kennedy Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 04:03

Rob Kennedy