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How to give shared layout a model in Razor MVC?

I'm trying to give a model to the shared layout so the menu links are created dynamically from a database. Any ideas where I should start?

I am looking for maybe tutorials of how to use inheritance to do this?

like image 542
Beginner Avatar asked Dec 13 '11 10:12


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1 Answers

You could do this:


public partial class Menu
    public String[] items;

    public Menu(String[] items)
        this.items = items;

View (_Menu)

@model YourMVC.Models.Menu

    @foreach (String item in Model.items)

Place this in _Layout

@Html.Action("_Menu", "Home")

Controller (HomeController)

public ActionResult _Menu()
    String[] items = {"Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4"};

    return PartialView(new Menu(items));

Of course in your actual implementation you would grab whatever you needed from the database in the controller _Menu() action.

I'm not sure if this implementation is the best practice, but it certainly works.

like image 123
Drew Gaynor Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 08:10

Drew Gaynor