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How to give 5dp linespace to TextView programmatically

I want to change the linespace of a TextView programatically. I searched and I found setLineSpacing. The problem is this, it gets two parameters, I've tried so many values but I couldn't get the result I wanted. I just need to give the TextView 5dp linespace, what should I put in the method to give it 5 dp linespace?

like image 872
mohsen Avatar asked Sep 14 '14 04:09


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Just we need to add an attribute with your TextView that give the spacing with lines. These are –android:lineSpacingExtra, android:lineSpacingMultiplier – use these two attributes with your TextView in XML file. or Programatically call setter method of that attribute textView. setLineSpacing().

1 Answers

Why can't you use setLineSpacing? That is exactly what I'd use.

Based on the Android Documentation:

public void setLineSpacing (float add, float mult)

Each line will have its height multiplied by mult and have add added to it.

So here's what you may choose to do:

myTextView.setLineSpacing(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 5.0f,  getResources().getDisplayMetrics()), 1.0f);

Or you can modify the XML Layout of android:lineSpacingExtra. (See Android Documentation.)

    android:lineSpacingExtra="5dp" />
like image 153
erad Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 13:10
