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How to get value from FlexForm to Controller

I'm practicing on a very easy Extbase Extension and used a FlexForm to get three formula fields.
One of them is called "code" which should go to the EmbedderController.php and then to the viewer List.html.

I checked all tutorials I could find.

I don't understand how to get the FlexForm-value "code" into my Controller.
I get an empty page or don't get any value.

This is my FlexForm: Embedder.xml

        <meta type="array">
                                        <label>Video Code</label>
                                        <label>Breite in Pixel</label>
                                        <label>Höhe in Pixel</label>

And this is my EmbedderController.php

namespace HhuMediathek\Hhumediathek\Controller;
 * EmbedderController
class EmbedderController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {
         * embedderRepository
         * @var \HhuMediathek\Hhumediathek\Domain\Repository\EmbedderRepository
         * @inject
        protected $embedderRepository = NULL;
         * action list
         * @return void
        public function listAction() {

And this is the viewer List.html

<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="main">
<iframe width='570' height='321' style='width: 570px; height: 321px; border: 1px solid #ccc;' src='//xxx.de/embed/{code}' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Kendel Ventonda Avatar asked Jul 12 '15 16:07

Kendel Ventonda

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2 Answers

Okay I could figure it out myself. For people who struggle with the same problem as I did:

My mistake was, that I didn't need the line $this->settings['code']; in the Controller at all but write {settings.code} in the viewer List.html instead of just {code}. It's completly different than I read it in my book and some tutorials but this actually worked.

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Kendel Ventonda Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10

Kendel Ventonda

The assignment of the view parameter is missing. Therefore change

public function listAction() {


public function listAction() {
    $this->view->assign('code', $this->settings['code']);

This way {code} should be available in the view.

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ViRuSTriNiTy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10
