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How to get value by multi-index with python pandas?

How can I get the value from a dataframe by its multi-index?

For example I have a dataframe mm:

mm = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,2))
mm['A'] = np.arange(5)
mm['B'] = np.arange(5,10)
mm.set_index(['A','B'], inplace=True)

print mm

        0         1
A B                    
0 5  1.624345 -0.611756
1 6 -0.528172 -1.072969
2 7  0.865408 -2.301539
3 8  1.744812 -0.761207
4 9  0.319039 -0.249370

I want to get the value where A = 2, B = 7, how can I do that?

Is it possible to write a function like get_value(mm, (2,7)), then I can get the following result:

2 7  0.865408 -2.301539
like image 625
xirururu Avatar asked Apr 08 '16 22:04


People also ask

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2 Answers

Use mm.loc to select rows by label:

In [28]: row = mm.loc[2,7]; row
0    0.865408
1   -2.301539
Name: (2, 7), dtype: float64

In [40]: np.concatenate([row.name, row])
Out[40]: array([ 2.        ,  7.        ,  0.86540763, -2.3015387 ])

Since mm has a MultiIndex, each row label is expressed as a tuple (e.g. (2,7)). When there is no ambiguity, such as inside brackets, the parentheses can be dropped: mm.loc[2, 7] is equivalent to mm.loc[(2, 7)].

To get all rows where B=7, you could

  • use pd.IndexSlice:

    xs = pd.IndexSlice
    mm.loc[xs[:, 7], :]
  • or the mm.query method:

  • or mm.index.get_loc_level with mm.loc:

    mask, idx = index.get_loc_level(7, level='B')
  • or mm.index.get_loc_level with mm.iloc:

    mask, idx = index.get_loc_level(7, level='B')

Each of the expressions above return the DataFrame

            0         1
A B                    
2 7  0.865408 -2.301539
like image 87
unutbu Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10


This returns your selection as a dataframe:

>>> mm.loc[[(2, 7)]]
            0         1
A B                    
2 7  0.865408 -2.301539

To get the index and values:

>>> mm.loc[[(2, 7)]].reset_index().values.tolist()[0]
[2.0, 7.0, 0.8654076293246785, -2.3015386968802827]

To get all values where the second item is 7:

idx = pd.IndexSlice
>>> mm.loc[idx[:, 7], :]
            0         1
A B                    
2 7  0.865408 -2.301539
like image 21
Alexander Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10
