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How to get value after decimal point from a double value in C#?




I would like to get the decimal value from a double value.

For example:

23.456 ->  0.456
11.23  ->  0.23

Could anyone let me know how to do this in C#??

Thanks, Mahesh

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Mahesh Avatar asked Jan 05 '11 14:01


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Math. Truncate(n) will return the number before the decimal point. So, 12.3 would return 12, and -12.3 would return -12. You would then subtract this from your original number.

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1 Answers

There is no Method in System.Math that specifically does this, but there are two which provide the way to get the integer part of your decimal, depending on how you wish negative decimal numbers to be represented.

Math.Truncate(n) will return the number before the decimal point. So, 12.3 would return 12, and -12.3 would return -12. You would then subtract this from your original number.

n - Math.Truncate(n) would give 0.3 for both 12.3 and -12.3.

Using similar logic, Math.Floor(n) returns the whole number lower than the decimal point, and Math.Ceiling(n) returns the whole number higher than the decimal point. You can use these if you wish to use different logic for positive and negative numbers.

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Nellius Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
