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How to get top output in Solaris machine [closed]



Looking for a very simple thing to do in Solaris.

I have a solaris box which has lot of zones ( so not only the host box, also the total available including zones ), i would want to see

  • What is the total memory available, used and free.
  • What is the total swap available, used, and free.

Am a linux guy, top gives me everything in Linux. What is the command to do it in Solaris.

Note: I cannot install any commands, so please tell me with the basic available commands that ship with OS installation.

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thegeek Avatar asked Jul 15 '10 08:07


People also ask

What is top command in Solaris?

While there are many tools available to check top process but we are going to have focus on two commands. First Command in our list prstat command in solaris and 2nd command will be ps command in solaris. prstat command in solaris.

How do you sort memory by top?

You can also filter processes by memory usage in top. To do this, press SHIFT + m as shown: Top will filter the processes by memory usage in descending order. Doing this can help identify the process using the most memory, giving you a chance to take action.

What is SVC in Solaris?

Solaris Service Manager unifies service control by managing the interdependency between services, ensuring that they are started (or restarted following service failure) in the appropriate order.

How do I see what processes are running in Solaris 11?

Use the ps command to see what processes are currently running. The ps command shows the process identification number (listed under PID ) for each process you own, which is created after you type a command.

1 Answers

You really want prstat - it does what top does, but it can take setting some switches to get what you want. For example prstat -L for lwp's.

The display is very much like top. And if you require to look like top exactly then you will have to script things together. Linux is BSD, Solaris is system V. A different world.

In general, the the unix rosetta stone helps finding 'commands like xxx from zzz on yyy unix':


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jim mcnamara Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 13:12

jim mcnamara