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How to get the value in a select change event in angular2

I want to navigate useing a dynamically generated select drop down. It doesn't appear I can do that directly, so I'd simply like to make a function call when the select changes.

To do that, I have this:

---In the template---

<select (change)="navSelected($event)">
    <option *ngFor="let button of navButtons;"
    value="button.route" >{{button.label}}</option>

suffice it to say that 'navButtons' is an array of objects that have a 'label' field.

---In the class---

navSelected(navName) {
    console.log(navName + " Clicked!");

This actually works fine.

I got to this point from the great help of Mark Rajcok and his answer in this older question: How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

That said, I'd like to be able to pass the selected value in the navSelected() function call. I'm unsure how to do that.

I have tried adding [ngValue]="button" on a wild guess from other searches to the option tag and then referencing the button variable in the (change) event handler (so: (change)="navSelected(button.label)" and other combos, to no avail. I've seen a lot of references to ngModel but they seem old and I'm not entirely sure they apply anymore (and I couldn't get them to work anyway in RC4).

I could probably pull some jquery or whatever out to find the select and get it's value, but that seems very rinky-dink compared to simply being able to call the function correctly.

like image 810
lowcrawler Avatar asked Jul 22 '16 21:07


People also ask

How to get value from select dropdown in angular?

Using NgModel Directive Angular has another way to get the selected value in the dropdown using the power of ngModel and two-way data binding. The ngModel is part of the forms module. We need to import it into the NgModule list in the app. module , which will be available in our app.

What is select in angular?

HTML select element with AngularJS data-binding. The select directive is used together with ngModel to provide data-binding between the scope and the <select> control (including setting default values). It also handles dynamic <option> elements, which can be added using the ngRepeat or ngOptions directives.

2 Answers

The value you are looking for is on the $event.target and you can get it with $event.target.value, see my example below.

navSelected($event) {
    console.log($event.target.value + " Clicked!");

If you are looking to get the selected text of the option you can do this

navSelected($event) {
    let selectElement = $event.target;
    var optionIndex = selectElement.selectedIndex;
    var optionText = selectElement.options[optionIndex];
    console.log(optionText + " Clicked!");
like image 128
eltonkamami Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10


As a shortcut for @eltonkamami 's answer, you can pass your object like this:

<select (change)="navSelected(navButtons[$event.target.selectedIndex])">
    <option *ngFor="let button of navButtons;">{{button.label}}</option>

And capture it like this:

navSelected(button: [type of navButtons]){
like image 25
Stef Geysels Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Stef Geysels