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How to get the value for a variable key from a pig map?

Is there a way we can get the value of a map for variable keys using the field as the key? Eg : My company data has locale and name fields like this

 {"en_US", (["en_US" : "English Name"], ["fr_FR" : "French Name"])}

What I want essentially is to get the value of the map using locale as the key as it will be different for different locales.

company_data = load '/data' using PigStorage();

final_company_data = FOREACH company_data GENERATE
                                             value.locale as locale

The following gives me an error coz I understand that to retrieve a value from the map we need value.name#'en_US'. Is there a way we can use the locale so it gets substituted for the right value?

Output : final_company_data = {"en_US", "English Name"}
like image 569
TommyT Avatar asked Feb 12 '17 20:02


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1 Answers

As far as I remember you can't do that in Pig. The key has to be static value. So eg this should work:

final_company_data = FOREACH company_data GENERATE
                                         value.locale as locale

If the key set size is not too big you can try something like this (but this includes a lot of typing):

en = FILTER company_data BY value.locale == 'en_US';
final_company_data_en = FOREACH company_data GENERATE
                                         value.locale as locale
fr = FILTER company_data BY value.locale == 'fr_FR';
final_company_data_en = FOREACH company_data GENERATE
                                         value.locale as locale

and do this for every key and then do the union of all subsets. This solution is poor and ugly but it works.

like image 81
bartektartanus Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
