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How to get the name of child class from base class when an object of child class is created




I want to get the name of my child class in the base class so that whenever an object of child class is created I get the name of the child class in my base class. Something like this:

class Base_class {
    function __construct() {
        // Some code Here to get the name of the child class

class Child_class extends Base_Class {}

class Another_child_class extends Base_Class {}

$object = new Child_Class;
$object2 = new Another_child_class;

When the $object is created I want the constructor to give me the name of the class from which the object was created.

like image 286
Mohan Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 02:12


1 Answers

Yes, to an extent. In PHP 5.5, the ::class class constant was added, which returns the class name of class to which it is applied. You can then use this in conjunction with parent, self, or static. Consider this code:


class A {}

class B extends A
    public function foo() {
        echo parent::class . "\n";    // A
        echo __CLASS__ . "\n";        // B
        echo self::class . "\n";      // B
        echo static::class . "\n";    // D
        echo get_class($this) . "\n"; // D

class C extends B {}
class D extends C {}

(new D)->foo();

self::class will return the same thing as __CLASS__, the class belonging to the function currently executing (in this case, B).

parent::class will return the name of the method's parent class (A).

static::class, by way of Late Static Binding, will return the class name of the method that was actually invoked (D).

Note, however, that you can not get the immediate child descendent of your current function (C) without using more advanced means (parsing the call stack via debug_backtrace, or via reflection).

like image 192
jbafford Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12
