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How to get bootstrap modal size

I have a bootstrap modal whose size is set by:

<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">

I want to be able to determine the modal's size (width actually) before I make a post request to a PHP program to display some dynamic content before displaying the modal. Does anyone know how to get this information?

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mlewis54 Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 04:12


2 Answers

I have also been trying to find either the width or height of the entire modal as well as the modal classes and found this solution. Though I must add that with this approach the width and height of the modal are only found after it has loaded.

I think that it is not possible to get the correct width and height of the modal before it is being displayed since it is hidden by default before the user clicks to open it. style="display: none; as inline style under the modal class in Bootstrap 3.3.2.

However if you like to get the correct width and height of modal once it is displayed you can use this approach.

    // once the modal has loaded all calculations can start
    // since the modal is hidden before it is loaded there are
    // no dimesions that can be calculated unfortunately
    $('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {

        // get the viewport height
        var viewportHeight = $(window).height();
        console.log ('viewportHeight = ' + viewportHeight);

        // get the viewport width
        var viewportWidth = $(window).width();
        console.log ('viewportWidth = ' + viewportWidth);

        // get the .modal-dialog height and width
        // here the .outerHeight() method has to be used instead of the .height() method
        // see https://api.jquery.com/outerwidth/ and
        // https://api.jquery.com/outerheight/ for reference

        // also the .find() method HAS to be used, otherwise jQuery won't find
        // the correct element, this is why you got strange values beforehand
        var modalDialogHeight = $(this).find('.modal-dialog').outerHeight(true);
        console.log ('modalDialogHeight = ' + modalDialogHeight);

        var modalDialogWidth = $(this).find('.modal-dialog').outerWidth(true);
        console.log ('modalDialogWidth = ' + modalDialogWidth);

        // I have included a simple function to log the width and height
        // of the modal when the browser window is being resized
        var modalContentWidthHeight = function () {

            var modalContentWidth = $('#myModal').find('.modal-content').outerWidth(true);
                console.log ('modalContentWidth = ' + modalContentWidth);

            var modalContentHeight = $('#myModal').find('.modal-content').outerHeight(true);
                console.log ('modalContentHeight = ' + modalContentHeight);     



I hope the above code somehow helps you figure out the modal dimensions and that you can take it from there..

Another thing that was really bugging me that you might encounter when using the Bootstrap 3.3.2 modal. If you like to get rid of this bug Open modal is shifting body content to the left #9855 concerning the modal position and given this bug it still not fixed Modify scrollbar check, stop static nav shift #13103 you can use this approach that works regardless of if you have a vertical scrollbar shown or not.

Reference: Bootstrap 3.3.2 Center modal on all viewport sizes with or without vertical scrollbar

$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {        

// meassure the padding-right given by BS and apply it as padding-left to the modal
// like this equal padding on either side of the modal is given regardless of media query
var modalPaddingRight = $('#myModal').css('padding-right');
console.log ('modalPaddingRight = ' + modalPaddingRight);

// apply the padding value from the right to the left
$('#myModal').css('padding-left', modalPaddingRight);
console.log ( 
        'modalPaddingLeft = ' + $('#myModal').css('padding-left') +
        ' modalPaddingRight = ' + $('#myModal').css('padding-right')

// apply equal padding on window resize
var modalPaddingLeft = function () {

    var modalPaddingRight = $('#myModal').css('padding-right');
    console.log ('modalPaddingRight = ' + modalPaddingRight);

    $('#myModal').css('padding-left', modalPaddingRight);
    console.log ( 
        'modalPaddingLeft = ' + $('#myModal').css('padding-left') +
        'modalPaddingRight = ' + $('#myModal').css('padding-right')


I hope some of this answer can help you. Since I am new to jQuery there might be better or more elegant ways to actually code this, though I would not know how at this stage. Nevertheless I think the information given here might be of help to you.

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lowtechsun Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 09:12


If you want the actual dimensions of an element using Javascript, JQuery has the built in .width() and .height() functions. I modified your <div> to add a data- attribute that has the bootstrap class incase you want to access that and an ID for easier access:

<div id="my_modal" class="modal-dialog modal-lg" data-size="modal-lg">

Then access it via Javascript:

var width = $("#my_modal").width();
var height = $("#my_modal").height();
var size = $("#my_modal").attr("data-size");
console.log("Width Is: " + width + " and Height Is:" + height + "and Size Is:" + size);

Hope that helps!

like image 33
Tim Lewis Avatar answered Dec 11 '22 10:12

Tim Lewis