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how to get the intersection of two JSON arrays using jq

Given arrays X and Y (preferably both as inputs, but otherwise, with one as input and the other hardcoded), how can I use jq to output the array containing all elements common to both? e.g. what is a value of f such that

echo '[1,2,3,4]' | jq 'f([2,4,6,8,10])'

would output



I've tried the following:

map(select(in([2,4,6,8,10])))  --> outputs [1,2,3,4]
select(map(in([2,4,6,8,10])))  --> outputs [1,2,3,4,5]
like image 961
mwag Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 02:07


2 Answers

Simple Explanation

These complexity of all these answers obscured understanding the principle. That's unfortunate because the principle is simple:

  • array1 minus array2 returns:
  • everything that's left in array1
  • after removing everything that is in array2
  • (and discarding the rest of array2)

Simple Demo

# From array1, subtract array2, leaving the remainder
$ jq --null-input '[1,2,3,4] - [2,4,6,8]'

# Subtract the remainder from the original
$ jq --null-input '[1,2,3,4] - [1,3]'

# Put it all together
$ jq --null-input '[1,2,3,4] - ([1,2,3,4] - [2,4,6,8])'

comm Demo

def comm:
  (.[0] - (.[0] - .[1])) as $d |
    [.[0]-$d, .[1]-$d, $d]

With that understanding, I was able to imitate the behavior of the *nix comm command

With no options, produce three-column output. Column one contains lines unique to FILE1, column two contains lines unique to FILE2, and column three contains lines common to both files.

$ echo 'def comm: (.[0]-(.[0]-.[1])) as $d | [.[0]-$d,.[1]-$d, $d];' > comm.jq
$ echo '{"a":101, "b":102, "c":103, "d":104}'                        > 1.json
$ echo '{         "b":202,          "d":204, "f":206, "h":208}'      > 2.json

$ jq --slurp '.' 1.json 2.json
    "a": 101,
    "b": 102,
    "c": 103,
    "d": 104
    "b": 202,
    "d": 204,
    "f": 206,
    "h": 208

$ jq --slurp '[.[] | keys | sort]' 1.json 2.json

$ jq --slurp 'include "comm"; [.[] | keys | sort] | comm' 1.json 2.json

$ jq --slurp 'include "comm"; [.[] | keys | sort] | comm[2]' 1.json 2.json
like image 99
Bruno Bronosky Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Bruno Bronosky

A simple and quite fast (but somewhat naive) filter that probably does essentially what you want can be defined as follows:

   # x and y are arrays
   def intersection(x;y):
     ( (x|unique) + (y|unique) | sort) as $sorted
     | reduce range(1; $sorted|length) as $i
         ([]; if $sorted[$i] == $sorted[$i-1] then . + [$sorted[$i]] else . end) ;

If x is provided as input on STDIN, and y is provided in some other way (e.g. def y: ...), then you could use this as: intersection(.;y)

Other ways to provide two distinct arrays as input include:

  • using the --slurp option
  • using --arg a v (or --argjson a v if available in your jq)

Here's a simpler but slower def that's nevertheless quite fast in practice:

    def i(x;y):
       if (y|length) == 0 then []
       else (x|unique) as $x
       | $x - ($x - y)
       end ;

Here's a standalone filter for finding the intersection of arbitrarily many arrays:

# Input: an array of arrays
def intersection:
  def i(y): ((unique + (y|unique)) | sort) as $sorted
  | reduce range(1; $sorted|length) as $i
       ([]; if $sorted[$i] == $sorted[$i-1] then . + [$sorted[$i]] else . end) ;
  reduce .[1:][] as $a (.[0]; i($a)) ;


[ [1,2,4], [2,4,5], [4,5,6]] #=> [4]
[[]]                         #=> []
[]                           #=> null

Of course if x and y are already known to be sorted and/or unique, more efficient solutions are possible. See in particular Finite Sets of JSON Entities

like image 44
peak Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
