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How to get the ID of a new object from a mutation?

I have a createObject mutation that returns the ID of the new object.

After it returns I want to redirect to a detail page about the new object.

How can I get response fields from a mutation in the containing component using react/relay?

E.g. my createObject page contains the mutation with code like:

var onFailure = (transaction) => {


var onSuccess = () => {
  redirectTo('/thing/${newthing.id}');   // how can I get this ID?

// To perform a mutation, pass an instance of one to `Relay.Store.update`
Relay.Store.update(new AddThingMutation({
  userId: this.props.userId,
  title: this.refs.title.value,
}), { onFailure, onSuccess });

newthing should be the object created by the mutation, but how can I get hold of it?

like image 244
jbrown Avatar asked Sep 12 '15 13:09


People also ask

How do I find the ID of an object?

The Object ID is located in the Identity section on the right. Find role assignments by selecting Access control (IAM) in the left menu, then Role assignments.

What is the use of useMutation?

useMutation is a React hook provided by redux-query-react that can be used for easily making mutations from a React component.

What is mutation in react JS?

Unlike queries, mutations are typically used to create/update/delete data or perform server side-effects. For this purpose, React Query exports a useMutation hook. Here's an example of a mutation that adds a new todo to the server: tsx.

1 Answers

Normally we would configure the client-side of the mutation with RANGE_ADD and return a new thingEdge from the server side of the mutation, but here you don't have a range on the client to add the new node to. To tell Relay to fetch an arbitrary field, use the REQUIRED_CHILDREN config.

Server side mutation

var AddThingMutation = mutationWithClientMutationId({
  /* ... */
  outputFields: {
    newThingId: {
      type: GraphQLID,
      // First argument: post-mutation 'payload'
      resolve: ({thing}) => thing.id,
  mutateAndGetPayload: ({userId, title}) => {
    var thing = createThing(userId, title);
    // Return the 'payload' here
    return {thing};
  /* ... */

Client side mutation

class AddThingMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
  /* ... */
  getConfigs() {
    return [{
      type: 'REQUIRED_CHILDREN',
      // Forces these fragments to be included in the query
      children: [Relay.QL`
        fragment on AddThingPayload {
  /* ... */

Example usage

var onFailure = (transaction) => {
  // ...

var onSuccess = (response) => {
  var {newThingId} = response.addThing;

  new AddThingMutation({
    title: this.refs.title.value,
    userId: this.props.userId,
  {onSuccess, onFailure}

Note that any fields you query for by using this technique will be made available to the onSuccess callback, but will not be added to the client side store.

like image 154
steveluscher Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 04:09
