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javascript: validate form before submit?

I would really appreciate anyone's help with this as I just can't seem to get it working. I am using a javascript code to check my form before it is submitted. I check for things like empty boxes.

If boxes are empty then this should display one of three divs which contains a standard error text.

"There was an error"

I have three different divs, div1 div2 and div3 which contain error statements. I have done this because I have divided my form into three sections. Therefore I want my javascript to perform three different checks on the three different sections in my form and if an error has occurred in which ever section then display div1 or div 2 or div3 for that section.

Section 1 
<div 1>
<input = firstname>
<input = lastname>
<input = email>
<input = email2>

section 2
<div 2>
<input = contactnum>
<input = mobnum>
<input = postcode>

section 3
<div 3>
<input = compname>
<input = compreg>

here is my javascript code I am trying to put together but it's not working, it submits the form without doing any checks. please can someone show me where I am going wrong.

    function validateForm() {
        var a = document.forms["register"]["firstname"].value;
        var b = document.forms["register"]["lastname"].value;
        var c = document.forms["register"]["email"].value;
        var d = document.forms["register"]["email2"].value;
        if (a == null || a == "" || b == null || b == "" || c == null || c == ""|| d == null || d == "") {
               scrollTop: $(".form_error").offset().top - 180 

            var e = document.forms["register"]["contactnum"].value;
            var f = document.forms["register"]["mobnum"].value;
            var g = document.forms["register"]["postcode"].value;
            if (e == null || e == "" || f == null || f == "" || g == null || g == "") {
                     scrollTop: $(".form_error").offset().top - 180 

                var h = document.forms["register"]["compname"].value;
                var i = document.forms["register"]["compreg"].value;
                if (h == null || h == "" || i == null || i == "") {
                        scrollTop: $(".form_error").offset().top - 180 

                    return false;
like image 762
James Daley Avatar asked Jan 13 '15 09:01

James Daley

People also ask

How do I validate a form before submitting?

What is form validation. Before submitting data to the server, you should check the data in the web browser to ensure that the submitted data is in the correct format. To provide quick feedback, you can use JavaScript to validate data. This is called client-side validation.

What JavaScript method can you use to send a form for validation prior to submitting it?

The submit event triggers when the form is submitted, it is usually used to validate the form before sending it to the server or to abort the submission and process it in JavaScript. The method form. submit() allows to initiate form sending from JavaScript.

How do you validate a form?

Basic Validation − First of all, the form must be checked to make sure all the mandatory fields are filled in. It would require just a loop through each field in the form and check for data. Data Format Validation − Secondly, the data that is entered must be checked for correct form and value.

2 Answers

In the form tag there is a field onsubmit to specify your validation function. Something like that:

<form name="myForm" onsubmit="return validateForm()" method="post">
    <!-- your inputs -->

like image 136
Quentin Morrier Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Quentin Morrier

You should use event.preventDefault(); in your if statement when you check for errors.

I you are clicking a submit button, first check all the fields, if something fails in your validation, raise event.preventDefault(). With this, this will prevent the form to submit.

If there are no errors, the preventDefault will not be raised and the form will be submitted.

Extra information: jQuery API

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brammekuhh Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10
