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How to get the count of spaces before the string starts



How do you get the number of spaces before a string starts in ColdFusion?

I mean, I have a string like this " Hello World!"

I want to get the count of spaces (in this case 3) before the word "Hello" starts.

like image 880
nasaa Avatar asked Jan 18 '12 14:01


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To count the spaces in a string: Use the split() method to split the string on each space. Access the length property on the array and subtract 1. The result will be the number of spaces in the string.

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To count the number of leading spaces in Python we have a really handy function called lstrip(). It gives us the output string by removing all the leading spaces present in our string. It also helps in removing defined function arguments present as leading characters in the string.

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1 Answers

I'm not too familiar with ColdFusion but considering this API you should be able to get the result you want with:

Len(str) - Len(LTrim(str))

But maybe there is a better solution :)

like image 87
rodion Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 14:10
