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How to get the changed state after an async action, using React functional hooks

How to get the changed state after an async action, using React functional hooks? I have found a redux solution for this issue, or a react class component solution, but I am wondering if there is a simple react functional solution.

Here is the scenario:

  • create a functional react component with. few states
  • create several button elements that each alter a different state.
  • using one of the button elements, trigger an async action.
  • If there was any other change in the state, prior to receiving results from the async function, abort all other continuing actions.

Attached is a code sandbox example https://codesandbox.io/s/magical-bird-41ty7?file=/src/App.js

import React, { useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";

export default function App() {
  const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
  const [asyncCounter, setAsyncCounter] = useState(0);
  return (
    <div className="App">
          onClick={async () => {
            //sets the asyncCounter state to the counter states after a 4 seconds timeout
            let tempCounter = counter;
            await new Promise(resolve => {
              setTimeout(() => {
              }, 4000);
            if (tempCounter !== counter) {
              alert("counter was changed");
            } else {
          onClick={() => {
            //increases the counter state
            setCounter(counter + 1);
          Add 1
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/16.6.3/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/16.6.3/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
like image 906
Shai Kimchi Avatar asked Jun 17 '20 08:06

Shai Kimchi

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You could possibly use a React Ref to store the state of the state variable. Then update the state variable with the react ref. This will render a page refresh, and then use the React Ref in the async function.

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In class-based React components, we can pass a callback into the 2nd argument of setState to run code when a state is updated with setState . With React hooks, we no longer have the setState method. Instead, we use state updater functions created with the useState hook to update states.

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Let’s look at how to do that with hooks. The first and most commonly used method to run a function after updating state is the useEffect hook. useEffect runs its function only when the items in the dependency array change. Sounds pretty spot on for what we want huh?

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2 Answers

You can use a ref to keep track of the counter value independently

 const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
 const counterRef = useRef(counter)

Whenever you update counter you update counterRef as well:

const newCounter = counter + 1
counterRef.current = newCounter

And then check it:

if (counterRef.current !== counter) {
   alert("counter was changed");
} else {


like image 196
thedude Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09


As @thedude mentioned, you will need to use the useRef hook – it was made exactly for your use case, as the docs say: "It’s handy for keeping any mutable value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes."

I think you might just want to add a simple boolean:

  const counterChanged = useRef(false);

and then when you update the counter, you update this too.

            counterChanged.current = true;
            setCounter(counter + 1);

and inside your async function, you set it to false and then check if it's been changed.

counterChanged.current = false;
            await new Promise(resolve => {
              setTimeout(() => {
              }, 4000);
            if (counterChanged.current) {
            // alert
like image 22
SquattingSlavInTracksuit Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
