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How do I configure reconnect logic for SignalR within an angular 8 project?

I'm using

    "@aspnet/signalr": "^1.1.4",

in Angular 8 project.

Unfortunately it appears the documentation is out of date?


The documentation claims there is a method


to be used as

const connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder()

However, when I attempt to enter this in I get

Property 'WithAutomaticReconnect' does not exist on type 'HubConnectionBuilder'

Is this a documentation out of date issue? Or am I misunderstanding the configuration?

Here is my exact code BEFORE trying to add this method

    private _hubConnection: HubConnection;


        this._hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
        .withUrl(this.myAPIUrl + '/myHub', { accessTokenFactory: () => tokenFromCache })
like image 433
jbooker Avatar asked Dec 14 '19 03:12


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We can configure the Javascript client for SignalR to automatically reconnect using the withAutomaticReconnect () method on HubConnectionBuilder. However, it is not the default behavior and we need to call this method explicitly. We can customize the behavior of withAutomaticReconnect () by providing an argument.

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2 Answers

The documentation you reference uses npm package "@microsoft/signalr" whereas yours uses "@aspnet/signalr"

like image 72
tagada Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 23:10


you need a more up to date version, I believe it is version 3, just run the following command inn your terminal I am using it with a react front end.

npm install @microsoft/signalr
like image 35
jfletch Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
