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How to get the basename of the current folder as variable in a makefile?

I want to copy a file to a server using scp. But I want to use my current folder name in my makefile as variable.

I know I get my current path using $(CURDIR) but my local path isn't the same on my remote server.

E.g. my path is /Users/obstschale/Documents/Lab2/ and I want to copy Lab2.tar to [email protected]:/home/path/Lab2/.

    echo $(CURDIR)
    scp Lab2.tar [email protected]:/home/path/{folder}

I probably have to pipe $(CURDIR) into something and find my last folder.

Update: $(CURDIR) is the right variable. $(CURID) is the wrong one at least it didn't work for me.

like image 776
Hans-Helge Avatar asked Mar 17 '13 10:03


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You can use shell function: current_dir = $(shell pwd) .

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$@ is the name of the target being generated, and $< the first prerequisite (usually a source file). You can find a list of all these special variables in the GNU Make manual.

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To use it, just set the list of variables to print on the command line, and include the debug target: $ make V="USERNAME SHELL" debug makefile:2: USERNAME = Owner makefile:2: SHELL = /bin/sh.exe make: debug is up to date. Now you can print variables by simply listing them on the command line.

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That's what abspath does. It creates an absolute path. That means it must be anchored at the root.

2 Answers

I didn't have luck with the backtick syntax in makefiles (GNU Make 3.81) as Sylvain describes it. If it doesn't work for you either, use

$(shell basename $(CURDIR))

instead of

`basename $(CURDIR)`
like image 174
firefrorefiddle Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09


I tried this rule:

    @echo $(CURDIR)           # e.g. /tmp/foobar/blafoor/baz
    @echo $(notdir $(CURDIR))  # gives "baz" here.

which worked fine for me.

maybe this is not intended to work, because notdir should

Extract the non-directory part of each file name.

like image 27
reox Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
