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How to get the assembly name and class name with full namespace of a given class in the solution?

I'm working with WPF and often have the need to get the namespace and assembly name of a given class. But I don't know how to do this.

So, how can we get the names when browsing the classes in the Solution Explorer or/and when editing the class's codes? Please help!

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Nam G VU Avatar asked Jul 07 '10 08:07

Nam G VU

2 Answers

These should give you what you're after:

var assemblyName = typeof(ClassNameGoesHere).AssemblyQualifiedName;
var namespaceOfClass = typeof(ClassNameGoesHere).Namespace;

I see you've just added a note to your question regarding "when browsing the classes in the Solution Explorer", the simple answer is that as far as I know, you can't because that's not what Solution Explorer is for (it's there for browsing the files in a solution, not what's contained inside them) and also because:

  1. One file can contain multiple classes
  2. All files in one project will, generally, always compile down to a single assembly, making it redundant to display that name for each file.

You may want to see if the "Class View" gives you what you want, but, I suspect it won't.

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Rob Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 08:10


You could use the Visual Studio Immediate Window as a quick way to obtain the assembly qualified name for one of the solution projects.

IIRC, these steps should work:

  1. Open the file of a class contained in the project for which you want to obtain assembly name;
  2. Set that project as the startup project for the solution;
  3. Open the Immediate Window, default C# environment shortcut is CTRL+D+I;
  4. In the Immediate Window type typeof(ClassNameOfStep1).AssemblyQualifiedName and press Enter.

The Immediate Window depends on Design-Time Expression Evaluation which in turns depends of Visual Studio Hosting Process so you need to have it enabled, which by default already is.

Also, I did some quick tests and the Name of the class was sufficient in all cases except when I tried it on VS 2008, which required me to provide the FullName of the type. So if Name results in error use the Name qualified with the namespace.

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João Angelo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 09:10

João Angelo