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How to get term meta WPGraphQL/WooGraphQL?

I'm using Woo GraphQL and I'm wondering how I should go about getting the color of product attributes. See below for a screenshot of the product attribute in WP Admin:

enter image description here

I've tried querying for the top-level pa- attribute and I've tried querying in terms/termNode with no luck.

Am I missing something? How do I get this data?

Update: So TIL, that colors in products attributes were actually provided via "Variation Swatches for WooCommerce". Variation Swatches takes this info and saves it in term meta.

So now my question is a bit different: How do I pull term meta?

like image 332
Rico Kahler Avatar asked Mar 02 '20 21:03

Rico Kahler

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1 Answers

The best way that I have found is to not use (or with addition to ) WooSwatches plugin us should use advanced custom fields and WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields in the following way

  • add a new field groupe with name Color Hex that has the location rule Taxonomy is equal to Color (or what ever attribute you want to use)

enter image description here

  • add a field with the name hex (for example) with type of color picker and make show in graphql

enter image description here

  • you should be able to query the data like this

paColors {
  nodes {
    colorHex {

like image 161
Mohamed SLimani Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10

Mohamed SLimani