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How to get restructuredText to add a class to every html <p> tag?

I'm using Django's markup package to transform restructuredText into html. Is there a way to customize the HTML writer to add a class attribute to each <p> tag?

I could use the class directive for each paragraph, but I'd like to automate this process.

For example, I want this restructured text:


A paragraph of text.

To be converted to this html.

<p class="specialClass">A paragraph of text.</p>

The reason I want to insert classes is because I'm using the hyphenator library which works by adding hyphens to all tags with a "hyphenate" class. I could add the hyphenate class to the container tag, but then all the children would inherit the hyphenate class. I could use javascript to dynamically add the class, but I thought there might be a simple way to do it with restructuredText.

Thanks for the help,


like image 513
Joe Avatar asked Dec 03 '09 02:12


People also ask

How do I add a class to my P tag?

"Add a class attribute with the value intro to the <p> element." To add a class, you go to your element, <p>, and just like IDs, you add class= (Instead of id=) and insert your class name. "Select the class intro and set its font weight to bold."

How do you write RST code?

rst. txt is used. In the past a simplified shorthand directive was widely used: A sentence ending with two double colon :: , followed by a new line and an indented block of code.

What is RST Sphinx?

reStructuredText is the default plaintext markup language used by Sphinx. This section is a brief introduction to reStructuredText (reST) concepts and syntax, intended to provide authors with enough information to author documents productively.

2 Answers

Subclass the built-in html4css1 writer, using this as a reference..

from docutils.writers import html4css1

class MyHTMLWriter(html4css1.Writer):
  This docutils writer will use the MyHTMLTranslator class below.
  def __init__(self):
      self.translator_class = MyHTMLTranslator

class MyHTMLTranslator(html4css1.HTMLTranslator):
  def visit_paragraph(self, node):
      self.section_level += 1
      self.body.append(self.starttag(node, 'p', CLASS='specialClass'))
  def depart_paragraph(self, node):
      self.section_level -= 1

Then use it like this:

from docutils.core import publish_string
print publish_string("*This* is the input text", writer=MyHTMLWriter())
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Spaceghost Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09


You don't say why you want to add a class to every paragraph, but it might be easier to take a different approach. For example, if you are trying to style the paragraphs, you can use a different CSS technique to select all the paragraphs in the output:


div.resttext p {
    /* all the styling you want... */


<div class='resttext'>

Update: since you are trying to use hyphenator.js, I would suggest using its selectorfunction setting to select the elements differently:

    selectorfunction: function () {
        /* Use jQuery to find all the REST p tags. */
        return $('div.resttext p');
like image 30
Ned Batchelder Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Ned Batchelder