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How to get request parameter to an array in Java, in the style of PHP and Rails?

The situation is as follows:


How can this be retrieved in an array in Java?

The following:


I know can be retrieved using request.getParameterValues("var")

Any solutions for the above though?

like image 482
adnan. Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 18:03


2 Answers

Map<Integer,String> index2value=new HashMap<Integer,String>();

for (Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames(); e.hasMoreElements() ;)
 String param= e.nextElement().toString();
 if(!param.matches("var\[[0-9]+\]")) continue;
 int index= (here extract the numerical value....)

Hope this helps.

like image 66
Pierre Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 03:04


HashMap m = request.getParameterMap();
Set k = m.keySet();
Set v = m.entrySet();
Object o[] = m.entrySet().toArray();

That will get you a Map call m with K,V pairs and both a set of keys and set of values. You can iterate those sets almost like an array. You can also use toArray to turn it into an array.

like image 29
sal Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 01:04
